Slac needs more transparency

Hi dear community,

SLAC has been forced on CB, but what do we know about slac? ANYTHING.
I have slac on my comp, but i wonder if it's a good idea. NOBODY apart from chalpja himself has seen his code (thought that hannes did it as KB stated but that's not true).

We want to see this mysterious contract between SL and chalpja.
We want that well known and trusted players with high coding skills check slac in depth.
We want to be sure at 100% that slac is malware free.

And after that, maybe people will trust slac.

image: propaganda
its not working for me anyway and the only solution of the admin was to get windows service pack 3 but i wont do it for some stupid game
SP2 was crap but SP3 wasn't, so why not install it?
because i dont need it?
you obviously do need it now :D:D
no i just wont play cb, not my fault they fucked up the game
and you're not gonna play any other cups and leagues in the near future either then?
i don't exactly consider introducing slac "fucking up the game"?
just play jaymod
yeah just gonna play irc wars with mates :) sorry not the game but he fucked up anty cheat if its not working for every1
a co Ci nie dziala?
crashuje et jak wlaczam slaca, klikam Start the game i crash, zrobilem to co w faqu usunelem te komendy z cfg i dalej to samo
mi sie nie chcialo ET tez wlaczyc i jak za drugim razem odpalalem SLACA to tam w dolnym-prawym rogu byla jakas komenda wpisana to ja wyjebalem i dziala wszystko juz.
a ja wyjebuje i nadal nie dziala
QuoteWe want to see this mysterious contract between SL and chalpja.
We want that well known and trusted players with high coding skills check slac in depth.
We want to be sure at 100% that slac is malware free.

I couldn't agree more.
Make this a column.
never trust a balkan fucking nigger
NOBODY apart from Microsoft themselves has the Windows source code. NOBODY apart from Evenbalance has the PunkBuster source code. NOBODY apart from Your Virus Scanner Manufacturer has the source code of Your Antivirus.
And there's nothing odd in any of the above.
You run, as you say, "malicious software" all the time - you're running some right now, actually. And you're happy with it.

Where the fuck does this "SLAC IS MALWARE" -idea even come from? You could with the same logic say that "RtCW IS MALWARE" or "GAMEGUARD IS MALWARE" or "PUNKBUSTER IS MALWARE". How the fuck does programming aimbots for a fucking game relate to making malware (netCoders will not be accepted as an argument because they're fags)? Get real.

OP is a fag.
The problem is who to sue...
QuoteNOBODY apart from Microsoft themselves has the Windows source code. NOBODY apart from Evenbalance has the PunkBuster source code. NOBODY apart from Your Virus Scanner Manufacturer has the source code of Your Antivirus.

Sue Microsoft, sue Evenbalance, sue your AV.
But sue Speedlink? You could, if there was a contract. But have u seen that contract? For sure not. And sueing chaplja would be the most stupid thing you could do.
QuoteAnd sueing chaplja would be the most stupid thing you could do.

How would it be stupid?
What do you know about him except the nickname chaplja?

Of course his website is far from finished at the moment. Also, if it was necessary, his identity could be easily found by contacting his ISP with necessary evidence of him doing something illegal.
What do you know of the ETPro developer other than the nickname bani?
u Mad? There is one guy how want to make your fav game Cheatfree and u just say... No i dont trust him, because he had coded some hacks?

If u dont know how Hacks working, how do you want to detect them or make them useless?

In my eyes everyone who says NO to SLAC, says YES to Cheats.
QuoteIn my eyes everyone who says NO to SLAC, says YES to Cheats.

What about Linux users?
I guess you live under a rock if you trust everything thats seems to be good.
His country isn't part of the EU and therefore I wish you good luck with sueing him :)
It's Speedlink's Anticheat (hence SLAC) & speedlink = germany
I was merely replying to:

"And sueing chaplja would be the most stupid thing you could do. "
"How would it be stupid?"

Me as a german knows that SpeedLink are the guys to sue :)
You can't sue speedlink as long as there is no contract between both.
The difference between a company and a one man work is very very high
It is not. You have most certainly played indie games, or ran programs that are not made by big companies. What the fuck is your point?
yeah i played some javagames on somewebsite, but never run a .exe done by a suspicious person
It does not matter if the code is in Java or C, it can still infect your computer. If you want to be 100% safe, disconnect your computer from the internet right now and destroy your hard disk.
And why should i risk the safety of my comp while even hannes, one of the most known and respected coder in ET, strongly recommand to NOT install slac on your comp?
Then don't install it. We don't need idiots like you playing this game.
yeah man trust the man in the shadow
you fucking idiot, do you realize that well-known software like adobe reader or even your beloved operating system, windows, have thousands of leaks?

go boycott it, we don't need idiots. you don't realize what you risk by even connecting to the internet and still you are browsing it everyday. what a fucking pity hypocrite you are..
Where did you find the word boycott in my journal?

This is an open discussion, you don"t have to be rude neither aggressive.
But let me guess: angry child with spot on your face? You hate the world?
I hate hypocrites like you. You deserve to be treated like that.
- All the software you mentioned were made by licensed companies.
- SLAC is made by some random n3rd.

see the difference?
Lack of intelligence?
Nope, I don't think so.
Then you do not see the difference between licensed companies that have severe software checks before anything is being put to use and a random coder?
Here is an FBI report of a Licensed company - the kind of company that according to you cannot do anything illegal - cheating 100 million US dollars with malware - the kind of software that licensed companies cannot create according to you.
So because one company with license pulled off a stunt like this, you could as well not have a license? Also, where did I say licensed companies cannot do shit like this? It's just regular knowledge that licensed companies are more trustworthy than random coders online.

Doctor Burneddi: You know what? Chemo is not working on this patient, lets stop the treatment on all.
I agree but maybe SLAC should be sent to the anti virus companies?! they will check on it and then youre absolutely sure :)
Of course it will, but not in beta phase.
indeed so don't force it in beta phase then :) That's my opinion

Don't force a beta, when definite version is out, send to the anti virus :) (will be fine probably :D) and then force it :)

It's not for me to decide.
Not up to me either, just my opinion :)
You are a fucking idiot. I hate retards like you, just because you've been to 4chan once in your life you regurgitate everything thats on there. Fucking pasty nerd
How is this related to anything?
Even though you turned out to be a image: giggle_parris i enjoyed reading this comment.

OP is indeed, a fag
you just mad cuz your antivirus is stylin on you
I have nod32 and it doesn't detect slac as a virus.
Chalpja is a well known cheat coders for several game, i won't trust his work until i see from my proper eyes this contract betweeen him and SL.
Tell me how does coding cheats for a video game relate to creating malware? What the fuck really?

If I cheat in monopoly when I play it with my friends, should I be jailed because I could rob a fucking bank?
etbot + trojan horse, have you never heard about that?
And when exactly did Chaplja work with netCoders?
He sells QL and ET private cheats??
He sold private cheats for QL, never for ET. However how does that relate to creating malware?

You go to a shady shop in a dark alleyway to buy booze. You buy booze, later you notice that the bottle in fact contains piss, not booze. With your logic every bottle of booze in every shop now contains piss instead of booze.
i wish i was as confident and positive like you
Yeah, you can never know when the evil bottles of booze containing piss will strike.
isn't chapjla or w/e the dark alley way?o0
netCoders is the "dark alleyway".
Why is netcoders it?
They're the ones (ok, Pancefuckl was) who got the big idea of inserting trojans into cheats.
Also they're the only cheat developers who do this as far as I know - or well, Pansefuckl is. Rshook doesn't contain that kind of shit I think.
With your logic, you should not be checking any bottle of booze for piss that a worker from the very same business branch gave to you whilst working at another shop.
So are you implying that Chaplja has worked with netCoders? Well, he hasn't. By the way, all the cheats he created were open source, so if they contained trojans you could have seen it in the source code.
Sorry for my lack of English. What I meant was someone that works in the same line of work.
Too much generalising is silly. Such as "All niggers are stupid".
And that's right what were implying here. We want that code checked.
He can't and won't give out the source code for two reasons:
1) There is money in this.
2) Releasing the source would make it a ton easier for cheaters to crack open this nut.

Giving it out to even just one person is risky. Trust me (or chaplja), it's best to keep it private.

Appropriate antivirus whitelisting will be done when it's ready - the program will be sent to antivirus companies for inspection. It would make no sense to do it now as it's only a beta and will likely be changed, which would mean that it would have to be sent over to the antivirus guys yet again.
So, it's a bad decision to force it anywhere, since players have no way of knowing that it can be trusted. Also, I don't think sharing it with someone like hannes is tricky.

Also guessing that once chalpja releases slac-proof cheats he can easily make some money.
How can we ever trust a cheatcoder in creating a anti-cheat program with sharing the code with anyone.
Ex-cheatcoder if you may.

Anyhow, there is no way to know how to counter cheats without having experience with them. Same goes for antiviruses and security experts in general.

Besides, when searching all these exploits and such, Chaplja was just trying to help the community and those who wish to fix them - he ~always included detailed information about how the exploit (or cheat) worked and often information on how to fix it. It could be called "white hat hacking".
Maybe you should ask the guy that actually knows about this stuff.
OP is from France, he probably cheats himself, hence the butthurt.
You don't seem to get the point of this journal.
Do you think that it's normal that there is NO TRANSPARENCY AT ALL between SL, chalpja and the community?
QuoteI have slac on my comp, but i wonder if it's a good idea. NOBODY apart from chalpja himself has seen his code


can u please get the fuck out with this stupid comments? he will terrorize your PC, indeeeeeeeeeeeed!
This game wont be saved by Slac, face the truth :D
I read them all, I played with slac, but when i wanted to verify that hannes had verifed the slac code as KB stated, he tolds me he hadn't and strongly recommanded to me to NOT instal slac on my comp.

I trust more hannes than chalpja.
won't happen you god damn motherfucker.
calm down aggressive child

image: aggressive_children
I shed a tear.

No, actually I don't care about you. And I won't even react on your cheap attempts to anger me. The only child in this journal are you, the one whose spreading propaganda.
the only thing i want is a banlist to see that it actually works
i can confirm that

well if you guys don't want to believe me, well that's your choice, i won't force you, but i'm the only guy apart from chaplja who can confirm it.
Great but why not to show these busts to every1? That would make ppl more confident about it
the longer we take to release the list, the more players will get busted.

If for example we release the list today, the busted player(s) will tell their mates that they used "x" bot, so the word will keep on spearing that "x" bot is detected on SLAC, and then there will be no more busts, cos ppl are afraid of cheating on SLAC, and even now it shows, real cheaters are scared to cheat, because they don't want to ruin their reputation.

The list will be shown to everyone, but I don't know when, that's in chaplja's hands to decide (and maybe me, if I have a good reason to), but for now we cannot publish the list without the new slac site (which is coming soon).
Yeah but the goal is to have a game free of cheaters whats the difference if they got busted or are simply scared to cheat?

e: if its coming soon - cool yet i still belive that few busts of randoms using public bots would boost slac's reputation
how long do i have then? :o
so fucking idiot, so u're saying that if mongols reach a final, win it, by playing with cheaters, list will appear 2 month after and then ? cup will be fucked up...
learn to read before you post "idiot"

QuoteQ: How do I know who is cheating on server?
You don't. SLAC uses silent detections, meaning cheaters are caught, but banned later. Sometimes they'll be banned the same day, sometimes a week later, sometimes a month later. Depends from case to case and the amount of caught people. If a caught cheater will change the progress of a running tournament, such bans will take priority and may be exceptions (thus being applied and user being banned sooner than others caught on public servers).

After silent detections are applied, cheaters' accounts get suspended and are displayed on the public banlist which is available to everyone.

Suspended accounts are banned for 12 months by the SLAC system. Server and league admins cannot lower the ban, but can make it longer or permanent through a cvar that will be available in the server addon (which is not released yet).

In addition to this, accounts get marked as cheaters forever. The 'cheater' mark will not be removed after 12 months, but they may be able to join SLAC servers after 12 months if the server or league admin allows it.

be a prick to me one more time to me, and you i won't let you play in any cup i host.

now go away etx customer and stop replying to me cos its destroying braincells.
You must be wrong with the etx customer u_u ( i played with one of them but i wasn't )
and still i honestly believe it will lak of efficiency...
But my bad i'll read next time mr.SHERLOCK
So does slac bust silently, sending some message and info's to a server?
Or where all the people on this 'banlist' playing 1on1 vs you?

How does slac bust?
Q: How do I know who is cheating on server?
You don't. SLAC uses silent detections, meaning cheaters are caught, but banned later. Sometimes they'll be banned the same day, sometimes a week later, sometimes a month later. Depends from case to case and the amount of caught people. If a caught cheater will change the progress of a running tournament, such bans will take priority and may be exceptions (thus being applied and user being banned sooner than others caught on public servers).

After silent detections are applied, cheaters' accounts get suspended and are displayed on the public banlist which is available to everyone.

Suspended accounts are banned for 12 months by the SLAC system. Server and league admins cannot lower the ban, but can make it longer or permanent through a cvar that will be available in the server addon (which is not released yet).

In addition to this, accounts get marked as cheaters forever. The 'cheater' mark will not be removed after 12 months, but they may be able to join SLAC servers after 12 months if the server or league admin allows it.

more question are answered here:
jeszcze nadejedzie czas

when the beta period is over, your wish will be granted
when did i ever say hannes saw the code?
what difference could it make?

yes i want to see uv-moviemaker's source code because i think there is a trojan in it, i don't trust him! [...]
more transparency, it's all what i beg.

(i'm sure you stated that in a journal comment, i haven't invent it)
All i said was that (we have the plans) once SLAC is fully released, we will send it to 46 anti-virus companies so it gets whitelisted, the problem is contacting all of those anti-viruses, cos 46 is a lot, believe me.
then after this final check, i'll be more than happy to install slac on my comp. if it really works, i do believe that it will decrease the number of cheater.
has it alrdy been sent to some companies? incl. avast?
i remember having seen journals about avast detecting it as a virus but when i installed slac 2 or 3 days ago there was no reaction by avast =)
No, he never did.. I'm following all discussion about SLAC and what you are saying is a lie, hence you are spreading propaganda.
omg.. really?? :pPpPpPp
if you dont trust slac, dont use it

image: hitler___cookies___gif
you just could've typed his name once and just copy-paste it a couple of times hombre
why talking about "us"?!
i like slac, don't care about the sourcecode being public (how retarded would that be) or the contract.
the only thing that bothers me is, that you can't "force" it in pracs vs some randoms and even if you look for a slac game some random hackers just won't use it and complaining about it will take so much time and they still usually won't use it so i don't even bother any more.
du spiels doch eh nich du unispast
die letzten 2 tage mehr als genug
mein rtcw-endgegner <33333333333
I use the "we" for all the FAIR PLAYERS who doesn't trust slac ATM.

I'm not against slac and i don't call for a major boycott. I just beg for more transparency, more information.

sweedy said that slac will be send to 46 anti-vir company, that's the best thing he had to do. And i'm pretty sure that evryone will agree that if slac is whitelisted, there is NO REASON A ALL to not use slac.
u got a big problem with urself.
what do you mean?
i guess once its out of beta you can force slac on the server, disallowing players without slac to connect and disallowing banned players to connect
i hope so, would be nice.
who cares?
well tbh i dont care about seeing a contract, nor its good to let others have a "deeper" look on to how slac is coded and works, the more people know how it works, the higher is the probalility that some1 might leak some "secret" information.

who cares if its malware? u have to open it when u want to use it, u close the game and slac is closing too, whats ur problem than? pb is running since startup and scans the whole time.. did u whine about this? do u know if pb is not maybe collecting some userdata? - oh wait its company, they just can be noble and never would be able even to think about such evil things! u wanted to see the contract between pb and activision? - guess not, so why care here so hard?

only thing i rly dislike on slac is, that u see the id ingame but to whome is this id related too? slac needs a published list, with id and registered name to it, so u can see who ur playing against, it cant be in any interest to always look on cb if the id is maybe registered there. ofc if someone calls himself "asdfgh" u arent any smarter, but for the most situations u would be enlightened.
At least you get the point of this journal. I fully agree for the id and registered name list.

i also agree that the source code have to be kept secret from players, it would be easily bypass if it wasn't the case.

But the KB idea to send slac to anti-vir company is great, why would he just send it to 2 or 3 main company for the moment?
well i guess for the beginning and a beta project its enough to get like 2 or 3 bigger companys, which want to prove it, im pretty sure with a further development of slac, many more AV companies will get the files to check them out. and imo its a good sign and step that they want to prove its not including any harmfull files
If they release code..then a cheat is so much easier to make ffs..
agree, but they have to give it to anti-vir company as soon as possible.
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