So i started my madness once again. man yesterday was christmas for me! ET GPL.
First i thought about ettv and its stupid restrictions grass etc.

Here you go:

live on server. finally i can enjoy radar again

More to come i guess, name reasonable features!

approved cvar changes: wolffog, foliage, ambientscale
nice work :]
i dont get it, is that supposed to be a new thing?
yes, try r_drawfoliage 0 with your normal client, on a live server, it doesnt work
i though it worked before
yep it did, but since gtvd it doesnt work anymore, it just says 'cheats arent enabled on this server' and we weren't able to fix that :[
its not totally new then! i didnt rly mind about that i mean we used to play with grass on but i guess its a good fix for many :]
It was because the new GTV things are streamed live with the new delay cvar (b_ettvdelay or something), whereas in the past they were done with delayed demos. If you're watching a demo in ETPro you can use cheats, but if you're watching a live match in spec you can't, obviously. It's the same thing in ETTV - if the ETTV is playing a demo, you can use cheats - if it's not, you can't.

About the demo delay thing, read here:
Any chance of seeing fireteam on ettv of the players team you speccing? Ammo info when you point on a player(just like rtcw) would also be cool, even if it's only when speccing on ettv.

edit: Oh and if it's possible to somehow remove or make a cvar to not take of the rnade from the rifle by pressing the weaponbank 3 button, that would be just incredible. Worst feature that you can't turn off.
+ allies and axis spawntimer
fuck u! wanted to say this! -__________-
I think that would need modification on the ettv binary, it probably doesn't push that info to the ettv server, and ettv isn't opensource
remember, i wont provide actual EXE files that you can use for playing! Only for ETTV.
Aww :( That rifle thing is the most annoying shit ever. I wish you could make a new patch or an addon or something like that to remove it.
you can remove it by script, easy
Nope, I made that script and shared it around a bit. It's sometimes buggy still, after you die and get revived with different weapon and just mash buttons during "revive" process. Or sometimes even after selfkill. Spawning with nade and not being able to switch to weaponbank 3 without switching to another weapon first sucks really hard :D
I dont know what script you are talking about, but yeah if you allude to the rnade glitch then that cant be fixed clientside only.
I'm talking about the etpro(i think) "feature". Where if you put a riflenade on your rifle and then press the weaponbank 3 button the riflenade is taken off, just as if you would have pressed weapalt button again. So when you are spamming nades as rifle, and after last nade, there is sort of a delay, and i tend to always press my weaponbank 3 button twice, because, well, i'm inpatient... And what it does is, it takes out rifle and at the same time takes off my rnade...
and that you can script away clientside :-p
As I said, I made a script to remove it, but it's "buggy" in some situations... Not a perfect fix...

Quote by scriptzbind 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 2 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 3 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 5 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 0; vstr riflex"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 0; vstr riflex"
set riflex "bind MWHEELUP vstr riflez"
set riflez "weaponbank 3; unbind mwheelup; cg_drawgun 0"

If you have an idea how to improve this, then tell me :P
bind 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 2 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 3 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind 5 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; vstr riflex"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 0; vstr riflex"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 0; unbind MWHEELUP"
set riflex "bind MWHEELUP vstr riflez;"
set riflez "weaponbank 3; unbind MWHEELUP; cg_drawgun 0"

bind x "kill;forcetapout;cg_drawgun 1;vstr riflex"
np, solved harder RIDDLArs with less resources :-ppp
And fix the stats (/weaponstats etc), they don't really work in ETTV I think.
ye the stats man :( so bugged
I love that rifle feature
QuoteAmmo info when you point on a player(just like rtcw) would also be cool, even if it's only when speccing on ettv.


You can see teammates ammo, I would like this to be in game too, not only ettv, but it could be nice extra info just for ettv also.
Should be easy to get that from rtcw source I guess.

Also, it would be great to have cpma/ql style custom huds + raw mouse input + direct input. All those kind of things fixed IF you decide to release an .exe for playing not just ettv.
Player stats at the end of the game on ettv (not the console stats) would be cool. Could actually see the accuracy easily.
It would be nice if you could actually see it during the game like you normally would. I dont know if its possible or not but that would be awesome.
what clown said and r_shownormals doesn't work on ettv either
allow raising the ambientscale again.

btw does a gameserver know what settings a client plays with? or is there at least a way to gather those r_settings?
an awesome feature would be the ability to switch to the config of the player you re speccing :D
wonderfull idea

it is not possible and wont with etpro, but ill so make a proof of concept version of that
Quotean awesome feature would be the ability to switch to the config of the player you re speccing :D

what if the user has cheat cvars, won't they end up in the spectators config?
i m just talking about r_settings
what ambsc values?
I think it was 0-3.5
first SLAC busts incomming?
quick release source so hackers can get advantages
It won't change anything related to cheating really - neither did the releasing of the game logic in 2004 do.
what about unlocking r_zfar on ETTV, or its not useful?

and cg_gunx/y/z
ok i've had this idea for a while, maybe now it is possible

Connect to an ETTV Server simply by clicking a link, f.e:


when you click it, it opens ET and connects to the server
dont see what this has to do with the et binary!? On the other hand i have no idea how this web stuff works

that would be nice :)
chalpja made irc plugin for that it was pretty simple
I'm pretty sure there is some plugins for that.... something like this would be cool:
isn't that simply a browser plugin?...
More info on how to connect to ETTV from your browser here
- fix the weaponstats... it's still somehow bugged.
- Unlock all kind of cvars live so i can watch with movie config @.@

somehow they got it pretty close to working.
the stats are already correct but if you hold down the key for stats, it switches through all players stats
Giev sourcecode to your modifications
be informed, you will not need to whitelist my programs in you virus scanner!
But you'll still give us the modified source, will you?
time will tell i guess
Well if you give us the executables you must also give us the source code according to the GPL, won't you?
fix the sprintbar :(
my dream is make a mp40 with 32 bullets and as fast as in RtCW :P
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