ET Xreal port

Quote by Tr3BGreat news from the QuakeCon 2010. id Softare released the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory source coder under GPL terms.

I’m going to create a new branch called ET-XreaL soon. It will contain the vanilla ET engine with the renderer replaced by the XreaL one.

This seems to be the first project to have sprung up after the source code release. Do you think many others will?

Here's a yt video that can also be found from the xreal site. Note that this is not the ET Xreal port, but the Xreal engine itself.

Imagine. ET could look like that.

It is a demonstration map for testing parallel split shadow maps.
The grass and the trees are animated using the GPU. The scene renders at 60 fps on a Geforce 8800 and each frame contains up to 1 000 000 polygons.

Quote<@uv-hannes-`> well just to remind everybody. et wont be insta super beautiful. maps would need updating, textures need upadting etc etc

hide and seek
QuoteDo you think many others will?

netcoders/adawolfa surely will
why make more useless games
Cool for movie making, useless(and hindering) for competition.
nuh-uh, I think this sort of port could be kind of like the CSPromod equivalent of Enemy Territory. I don't care about fancy graphics any more than you do but it's a fact that better graphics will attract more players than the outdated(yet beautiful imo) graphics ET now boasts.
Not if you need a very good pc to run it :l I'd like to play et with 76 stable on a mediocre laptop, but with this it wouldn't be possible I guess.
If this actually does the opposite, then its nice. But I wouldn't want to see crazy spectacular graphics that you cant turn down, even if it doesn't affect fps added to et together with this improved xreal renderer. I think a competition game should be tunable. Not crazy all-white style like the lightmap thing or whatever it is, but a normal picmip 2 level + normal brightness without annoying shadows.
I imagine that multithreading could be enabled while they're at it which should give you better/same performance as you get now, though you'll need a better Graphics card than the current requirements now I believe since it's more graphic intense?

I could be wrong tho, don't know much about xreal :P
The thing is that the current ET engine isn't letting your Graphic Card do the work it's supposed to. It puts more work on the processor. Xreal will possibly have multicore support and better support for gpu processing than what ET has now.

Besides, it has always been so with quake-based engines that you can curb the graphical beauty in order to achieve better performance. I expect it to be the same with Xreal.

To sum it up, no performance loss, possibility for better looks & more players. Sounds good to me.
Better engine means appropriately awesome FPS on newer computers.
you could remake ET with cod4 like graphics, rerelease it and shitloads of noobs would join. Ssince source has been made free, this is kinda like urban terror which doenst need q3 to run either.
guys, this is a showoff what the engine is capable of. Do not judge a game on a video. Xreal has on hell of a nice renderer, and we are super happy ET can profit from it
Will ET have similar graphics or a bit less?

I understand it will depend on the textures used for maps mostly, but surely you can find those online right?
sure its better to go with ioET first (from the ioq3 people) and sort out bug fixes and stuff like ipv6 support and better input THEN worry about the graphics

until we get the etpro source from bani we will have to make everything backwards compatible with etpro/et anyway and afaik ioq3 is backwards compatible with normal q3
Assuming that ET will be ported onto Xreal, I want to know a couple of things:

1) Will it be (easily) possible to get ETPro working on it, or would we need a new promod (nobody's going to play etmain!) - I imagine we need source from Bani for this
2) Will we have a decent anticheat
3) Will it also run on older computers
4) Will it work on Linux
The only changes that would have to be made to ETPro is to add comptability for the new ET.exe (at least I think so, correct me if I'm wrong)

If the new ET gets used more than the current one, then I can imagine Chapjla having to change SLAC to be comptable with the new ET.exe (much like etpro)

It should, though performance is debatble, will depend on maps and such I guess... though newer pcs actualy get better performance on this renderer

If someone codes it for linux I don't see why not.
slac is only being develloped for ETpro 3.2.6
If the competitive scene moves, then SLAC is forced to follow.
nerds dont get 60fps on their shit pcs with the current engine. imagine the flame
nerds should get a job and buy a pc
tell them this
nerds would play cod4 then
Yea he comes here in catalonia with me to fuck girls eheh
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