Bacha Bazi

Today I go celebrate bacha bazi day :) !!

image: dancing_boys_afghanistan
[14:45:33] @Sup3r MUSLIM SEX SLAVES: 'BACHA BAZI' aka Boy Play where very young boys .
[14:45:44] @Sup3r saw it on TV
[14:45:46] @Sup3r I was amused
[14:45:55] @Sup3r Popular in Afghanistan, these “dancing boys” are actually sex slaves, lured off the streets by pimps, taught to dance and sing, to wear make-up and to dress like girls. Then they are made to perform before large groups of men. ALL of them are sexually abused.
[14:46:16] loazis is that why kamz is so fucked up?
Saw it aswell :D
A really weird documentary
happy ramadan
i would kill them all
then ur a talibanmember
drop a bomb on it. done.
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