good public server

since i cant connect to bi0 for disconnected for unknown reason or server for low pings only (if you know how to fix tell me)

i need an other public where there is a map rotation and not just a random pub but one with skilled players in it

if u|k is still up give me ip plz :D
pm maar keertje als je wilt warren :)
wnr jij wilt en ik online ben, dan altijd :D
hirnlos ?

its just low+ skill but funny sometimes...

at least im there pretty often
heard there are high skillers there pretty often ill try it later :D
nah ..there arnt highskillers..

im medish and im always one of the topplayers there..
butchji & some were regulars there
i doubt it they would be instantly banned got ip banned on hirnlos and so on too for beeing to good
ask any admins there :)
et merc
Miss the days when you still had Telenet I,Telenet II, FDNL and Efterlyst.

Awesome maps, skilled players, nice atmosphere,... Apart from BIO, public is absolute shit nowadays. Cybergames is filled with retards and don't even get me started about the rest.
I liked firebird and Mak's better tbh
ur disconnect for unknown reason = cuz of your name, change it in the main menu to a longer and normal name, or do /name or both, should work by then
you serious? cuz first i get low pings only then i press reconnect then it says disconnected for unknown reason... but anyways ill try and do that
sjappie servers should comeback..
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