mouse settings (razer DIAMONDBACK)

i have Razer diamondback & razer mantis speed
I didnt install drivers becouse its better 2 me...
If you've got drivers installed can u tell me ur settings ( Only RAZER DiamonDBACK ) and ET settings...i fucked up everything...forgot what was mine now i aim like shit...just need help, ktnx
:/ just try some settings

hard 2 move a slide?
@control panel\mouse
increase pointer precision "off"

regedit > current user > control panel > mouse
sensitivity "10"
speed "0"
thresh1 "0"
thresh2 "0"

windows noaccelpatch
usb @ 500hz

sync every frame OFF

with drivers set at 400dpi, to avoid neg accel.
without drivers set windows sensitivity at second or third notch otherwise you will get negative acceleration

@ gfx drivers set picmipping to high quality for more details (and better xhair)

Dont fucking change your settings, unless you consider yourself the new mystic. (hi2u tekoa)
could u upload noaccel patch somewhere? or send it?
your acting like a good kid I like that
I just have no life.
well still : D
Shouldnt you be at teh culb or something?
going right now !
@ gfx drivers set picmipping to high quality for more details (and better xhair)

hm, won't this dramatically lower your fps?
nope, maybe if you have a real crappy pc. ET is so cpu dependend. I got almost no fps gain when I upgraded my 9600 to a 9800 for example.
sync every frame OFF

What do you mean by this? r_swapinterval or r_finish?
swapinterval = vsync =)
r_swapinterval = sync every frame

r_finish solves problem input and frames not being in sync or smthing. You can put it on at the cost of a frame or two, although you dont realy need it.
I know, but I was just wondering what you meant, since in the game options r_finish is described as sync every frame ;D
nice nick matrixje
Main Window in drivers : 6

Advanced :
Master Sensitivity Control ON
x y 10/10

Windows pointer speed between 4 and 5 (5 notch in control panel)
400 dpi .. 500 hz USB

ET sens 4.1 , m_pitch 0.017 fov 100 ,125 fps,120 refresh rate,r_mode 4,r_finish 1 and no windows accel :D

cg_drawgun 1

Try it and give me a feedback how you like it :P HF
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