Portugal players!

Hello crossies and specially portugal players!

Here is my story:

Im going to exchange to the lovely country Portugal and the city is "Coimbra".
As things getting further and further I notice that my school is very... "poor" in doing stuff or informing there students.

So I need to find a apartament in Coimbra where I could live for 5 months. (in December I would be somwhere else).
I try google apartaments for rent and found some nice places, but I dont want to get ripoff. so I was wondering that I could ask you people to give me "links" where are apartaments for rent in city of Coimbra or are there any others solutions?

Im going with 2 other guys and we were thinking in living together so apartament should be big enough for 3 people, but I think I can be living alone too if its possible. If you have apartaments for rent or you need roomm8 I could be it! Damm I live with Squall for a year now ;)

Another thing. People who live in Portugal. Is Coimbra city nice? Just wanted some infos about that city. Ive already read thing on wikipedia about Coimbra, but was wondering what it is like there.

Thank you very much in advance. I know crossfire would not let me down ;)
I don't really know Coimbra that much. Coimbra is a city of students... try to send a pm to http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=19939 he lives close to coimbra, maybe he can help you! I don't really know any other portuguese player living or studying at coimbra.

Good luck.
Just came back from Portugal. Loved my holiday because I had a sick villa and some places in Portugal are amazing.

But, tbh, it seemed pretty 3rd world to me.
where have you been? tell me the name of city..
dont whine.
spain is the same lol
Learn economy/visit spain/portugal
And then, stfu
learn economy?:DD u know how ppl in europe sees spain piece of shit? evrybody knows is one of the poorest together with portugal and greece, THATS HOW IT IS INFACT.

only like 3 places in spain doenst look like pakiland

"Europa abre brecha con España en el crecimiento económico y nuestro país se ve relegado al furgón de cola, con compañeros poco representativos como Letonia, Grecia, Bulgaria y Chipre. Simultáneamente a la confirmación por parte del INE de que la economía española creció el 0,2% en el segundo trimestre y se contrajo el 0,2% interanual, Eurostat señalaba que el crecimiento de la Unión Europea fue en el mimso periodo del 1% y el 1,7%, respectivamente."

aprende economía
Lo primero:
Fin del franquismo (Economia pesima heredada desde hace muchisimos años debido a los dirigentes y a las reformas llevadas a cabo (Mas bien a la tardanza y a la ausencia de estas))
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Español en los años 1978 : 1.05
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Europeo en los años 1978: 3
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Español en los años 1979 : 1.05
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Europeo en los años 1979: 6.50

Años 90. Los intereses de la deuda Española se reducen drasticamente. Este echo junto con las reformas echas y la coyuntura economica:
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Español en los años 1990 : 32.30
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Europeo en los años 1990: 31.90
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Español en los años 1991 : 34.80
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Europeo en los años 1991: 33.60

Año 2003
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Español en los años 2003 : 66.20
Tasa del crecimiento anual del PIB Europeo en los años 2003: 55

Desde que las cosas se hacen medianamente bien, la economía Española ha ido disparada.
La coyuntura económica mundial actual unida a la burbuja inmobiliaria Española y a las acciones económicas llevadas a cabo por nuestros mandatarios han echo mella en la economía actual pero no estamos tan muertos como nos ven ni como dicen que estamos. Curiosamente todos los bulos infundados de quiebra española o del estado pesimo de nuestro sistema bancario han surgido en periodos anteriores a la emisión de deuda del estado. Después de las emisiones de deuda ¿Se escucha ahora algo?.
Otros temas:
Nuestro PIB comienza a subir, en el trimestre de abril-junio subió un 0.2% y se estima que en el siguiente trimestre suba otro 0.3%.
El paro en España. Dificil tema que no voy a perder tiempo repasando. Solo digo que es una lacra del sistema español desde hace ya mucho. Por ejemplo, en 2003 (Con la bonanza económica) teníamos un 9% de paro con 2.242.000 de personas y salías a buscar curro y a la primera te pillaban, en cualquier sitio.
Situación mala actual después de un ascenso vertiginoso de la economia Española. Actualmente encaminamos lentamente la recuperación. Saldremos mejor parados que Italia como economía, si no al tiempo. Y en el tema de como nos ven...sinceramente ME LA TRAE FLOJA, ¿Como nos ven? ¿Nos ven tan mal que todos ellos se quieren venir a vivir aquí? He viajado bastante y salvo por el tema de la mendicidad, poca diferencia. (En servicios privados/públicos si que son mejores).
A groso modo, me basta lo que he puesto, no me quiero extender mas. A PELARLA NENE
querer vivir aqui?:DDD la gente viene aquí de vacaiones, y no quieren vivir aquí ignorante.

Porque te crees que todo el mundo ya esta recuperado en lo que es europa?:D

franquismo?:DD alemania tenia dicatodr ocuparon francia etc.. miralos ahora quien es avanzado y quien es el norte de africa. Los españoles nunca tubieron los huevos de hechar a franco a diferencia de otros paises europeos. España es comparable a polonia y no a los paises de la comunidad europea.

tu argumento es que empezamos a subir blablabla cuando los otros ya estan a años luz.

Venga chaval deja de justficiarte y acepta que este pais es una mierda y que la mitad de españa es pobre. Lo que importa es lo que se es ahora. y por ejemplo polonia esta mas cerca de nosotros que nosotrs de alemania.

ps: sobre el paro, 9% de paro (en bonanza economíca) lo tenian los paises de la UE con crisis chavalin y eso los que iban muy mal.
Pa ti el duro
Mira si eso y algún día te ahogas con tu orgullo
La tasa de los crecimientos son de los acumulados desde el 77 por si te interesa
Y ya me da tanta risa comparar España con Portugal y Grecia que no podría hacerlo, lo siento.
grecia no tocaría estar en la comunidad europea, estan en ella porque los americanos los ayudaron y ahora los pagan, y por lo que va a portugal es lo mismo que españa
I went to Vilamoura, Vila Sol, Lagos, Cape St. Vincent, Tavira, and some other random places. Quite run-down and poor places except for Vilamoura.

I'm not meaning to offend, btw. Cape St. Vincent is probably in my top places visited in the world because of the cliffs and scenery.
Vilamoura is quite good indeed, but my guess: You don't know how to appreciate old places. Example: Tavira IS a old city and thats one of the main purposes. Old place, cool beaches, a place to rest without the typical stress from other cities at Algarve. Vilamoura is quite the opposite, lots of people everywhere etc etc..

Do you know that Algarve/South Portugal doesn't have that much people living there? So what do you expect...

Did you visit the Tavira Island? It's kinda cool to be honest, i spend 15 days there some years ago. We had to get the train to go into the island hehe :D

I guess i've learned your lesson. If you want some cool place to rest n stuff come to Portugal, if you wanna see wonderful cities (rich ones uh...) do not come to Portugal. We don't have such thing to offer to foreign ppl..
I hate cities and love old towns. So you're wrong, I'm afraid. My opinion was based on the amount of homeless people and dirty looking buildings that I saw, typical 3rd world place with corregated tin for roofs etc and broken walls on houses.

I'm appreciative of old places a lot because I'm interested in local history. Portugal is nice, but I felt like I was being surrounded by beggers and dodgy people.

And I was in Albufeira at night time and it made me feel uncomfortable. Was there with my 2 young brothers (8 years old and 4 years old) and was asked numerous times by some guys if I wanted to buy drugs. Who the fuck does that when kids are around?
Lol wtf :D I might be forced to agree with with the old houses (some places look really bad ye, but trust me there is even worst places at Portugal :D ), but this drug thing is kinda new to me! Where have you been? In the drugs streets i suppose loolol, i've been at Algarve few times and i've NEVER seen such thing neither asked to buy, plus i've never seen such weird people. At summer Algarve is mainly frequented by foreign people... But i don't go into Algarve for like 5 years so it might have changed ye :|

Next time come to Porto ;) we have a old city (and yes, you might be asked for very weird people there!), but it's a cool place with cool beachs and bars/places to spend the night :P
I plan on going again. Especially to visit Cape St. Vincent. I only spent like 20 mins there, and it was a pretty sensational experience, imo. I could sit there for hours with my feet hanging off the edge.

It seems the Algarve has changed somewhat since you were last there I guess. But these drug guys surely target tourists anyway.

I've been talking to a guy called Rezet (cod4 player) and he's suggested some places to look at. Maybe I'll do a visit in a few years again. Will be going to Canada next year I guess.
:) it's really easy to notice the tourists there :D they are all so whiteee and usually blond :D

;) enjoy
image: 40017_10150241173770368_840450367_13979893_8361810_n

Tourist of the century :D
you are quite a monster tbh :D wouldn't be funny to be slapped by you xD
Fat bastard with a heart of gold!
:$ you seem strong tbh xD
fucking fat are the words
i didn't want to be soo bad! xD
when i was on vacation in albufeira i got asked if i wanted to buy drugs quite a lot too, but not so much in the streets rather than inside clubs etc.. still weird imho :P and this was some 4 years ago
that is because they burn their trash themselfs. it smells like burning rubber all over the algarve
It doesn't seem, it is 3rd world. Our poor neighbours.
ye nvm i read ur post fast and got other idea xDDD nvm xD
my antivirus thinks my another antivirus is a virus thats why i dont use it because it might be virus but because the antivirus which is a virus thinks slac is a virus i dont think slac is a virus but first antivirus is the real virus just virusing antivirus2 and slac

Portugal is a country that's supposed to belong to Africa.
not rly... africa is supost to belong to portugal
a gente sofre preconceito pra caralho :´<
pm punky
ready pm ;)
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