ET and ubuntu

Hiho, I just installed linux again (ubuntu to be more specific) but I just can't get r_ignorehwgamma "1" to work.
I had ignorehwgamma 1 on ubuntu when I used it before, but somehow I just cant anymore..

And is there a way to completely remove accel?
Before I used "xset m 0 0", but that was either placebo or just luckness - because that doesn't remove accel now..
Why did you download ET on linux.........hmmmm
Because Windows 7 gives me wierd mouse and cpu issues.
I won't play ET on it before there's a SLAC client though, people would whine like hell. ;)
ask pandaman
ignorehwgamma works when u have a 2. xserver only for et

in_dgamouse 2 or 1 for mousefeeling
Ah, so that's why it worked the other time.
Cheers mate!
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