Need your favourite Cocktails and some kind of describtion ( sour, fruity, much alc...)
Im working on a cocktailcard atm and collected already some...but i need some honest opinions of you :]
alcoholfree ( click on the name to see the recept -> german ! )
1. Alice
2cl Granatapfelsirup,2cl Sahne, 8cl Orangensagt, 8cl Ananassaft, Orange,Cocktailkirsche
2. Andrea
4cl Blue Curacao, 2cl Mandelsirup, 2cl Zitronensaft, 12 cl Osaft, Orange,Cocktailkirsche
3. Cindarella
1cl Granatapfelsirup, 2cl Kokossirup, 2cl Sahne, 8cl Orangensaft, 8cl Ananassaft
4. Exotic Punch
2cl Mangosirup, 4cl Maracujanektar, 4cl Ananassaft, 4cl Orangensaft, Fruchtstücke
5. Virgin Caipirinha
1-2 Limetten, 6cl Ginger Ale, 2 Barlöffel brauner Rohrzucker
6. Florida
2cl Maracujasirup, 2cl Zitronensaft, 5cl Ananassaft, 5cl Orangensaft, 5cl Grapefruitsaft, Ananas, Cocktailkirsche
with alcohol:
7. Long Island Ice Tea
2cl Gin, 2cl Wodka, 2cl Tequila(silver), 2cl weiter Rum (Bacardi), 2cl Cointreau (oder 2cl Triple Sec), 1cl Zitronensaft, 1cl Orangensaft, 1/4 Limette, Cola
8. Caipirinha
4 Barlöffel Rohrzucker weiß, 2cl Lime Juice (Rose's), 1 Limette, 6cl Cachaca (oder Pitu)
9. Swimming Pool
4cl Wodka, 2cl Curacao Blue, 2cl Sahne, 10 cl Ananassaft, 2cl Cream of Coconut, Ananas, Cocktailkirsche
10. Pina Colada
6cl weißer Rum, 10cl Ananassaft, 2cl Sahne, 2cl Cream of Coconut, Ananas, Cocktailkirsche
11. Mai Tai
6cl brauner Rum, 2 cl Cointreau, 2cl Limettensaft, 2cl Zuckersirup, 1cl Mandelsirup, 1 Limette, Ananas, Minzezweig, Cocktailkirsche
12. Sex on the Beach
3cl Pfirsichlikör,3cl Wodka, 6cl Preiselbeernektar, 6cl Ananassaft
13. Zombie
3cl hochprozentiger Rum (über 70% vol.), 1cl weißer Rum, 1cl brauner Rum, 2cl goldener Rum, 1cl Cherry Brandy, 1cl Apricot Brandy, 4cl Ananassaft, 2cl Orangensaft, 3cl Limettensaft, 1cl Papayasaft, 0,5cl Mandelsirup
14. Tequila Sunrise
4cl Tequila Silver, 2cl Grenadinesirup, Orangensaft
15. Mojito
6cl Rum weiß (Havana Club), 1,5 cl Zuckersirup, 3 Barlöffel Rohrzucker weiß, Minze, 4cl Sodawasser, 1 Limette
16. 43er Sunset
2cl Malibu, 3cl Likör 43, 2cl Wodka 4cl Ananassaft, 8cl Maracujasaft, Cocktailkirsche
17. Prince
4cl Tequila weiß, 2cl Likör 43, 2cl Kokosnuss, 6cl Maracujasaft, 2cl Sahne, Cocktailkirsche
18. Brazil
2cl Rum braun, 4cl Cachaca, 8cl Osaft, 4cl Maracujasaft, 2cl Kokosnusssaft, 2cl Limettensaft, Cocktailkirsche
19. Cuba Libre
4cl Havana Club, Limette, Cola
I also thought about drinks like Jägerbomb :] feel free to post your favourite drinks ;)
+ dont forget to post the recept !
White Russian Vodka+Kahlua/random coffee liquer+cream/milk+shitloada ice
I'm wondering if there is a cocktail involving actual Iced tea, not the lipton shit, home made iced tea. A shot of Galliano is absolutely DELICIOUS in a cup of tea so I imagine there must be something that would work.
im just designing everything
cointreau , pisang , gin and orange juice
Tom Collins is kinda good =)
Havana Club makes both dark and white rum.
Melonenlikör, Annanassaft, Cocosmilch
Those are for women (and for hot days when you dont want to get wasted.)
Gin+Tonic (40:60)