Dignitas with Night tonight.

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image: gb Team Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
Belgium uNDEAd


ahahah! I'm so strong!
don't think so
:DdddDDDD gl !
stop fanboing ;) it starts to annoy me
Stop replying me, it start to annoy me

If you don't want to see my journals, don't see them, or gtfo
Quote by Albert Einstein
If you don't want to see my journals, don't see them, or gtfo
nice team
awesome team
f5 will still win
reply to my question yesterday please :x
sorry, dunno how i missed it

can't say i've used them but i have the audio technica ad700s and i must say they are fucking amazing, i haven't worn any other headphone that matches this for comfort, and the 300s look like they have a similar system so you'll be able to wear them for ages.

one thing people complain about (mostly sennheiser hd5xx using faggots) on my headphones is lack of bass but i actually prefer this. the bass is there and its actually very tight it just doesn't overwhelm you like so many other headphones do

they're awful for lan by the way (like any open headphone) but i still prefer letting a little noise in to having a closed headphone

if i was on that budget there's a good chance i'd get that set of cans myself

image: mic
Its only 65euro's or smtn so its not that exp :o)

Oké, thanks alot for the help : ) Np that u missed it, I just heared that u know alot bout headphones ;-)

Going for those with a extern siberia mic then, thanks!
did you test hd595 that you can say your headphones are better? Especially when it comes to comfort. Not like i am an expert or smth but from what i've read they are the best choice for their price.
my best friends main headphones are HD595's so i've listened to them quite a lot! :)

not to say that they are uncomfortable because they are not, they simply cannot match up to the comfort of the ad700s and that is one of the main things he likes about my headphones. i also think the ad700s are far more durable in the long run, the frames atleast feel better than a plastic arching frame and i think in general the ad700s will last longer

another area the ad700 is stronger at is gaming, the soundstage on these is fucking phenomenal, i also find the tight bass really helps. casuals would no doubt prefer really loud and booming bass but for serious gaming you want tight, and you want a reliable soundstage, i'd definitely rate the ad700 over the 595 in this area

for music however it can be a different story. for listening to dubstep/hip hop/dance especially the 595s seem much better... it's probably due to the stronger bass and reduced soundstage, it's a much more forward sound and admittedly i prefer it to what i get on my ad700s. pop/classical however i see less of a difference and i don't particularly have a preference

it comes down to what your main use for them is, whichever you purchase i'm sure you'll love them. if your primary use is listening to a lot of electronic/bass-driven music then you might wanna go for the 595s, if you're going to be doing a lot of gaming on them and wearing them for LONG periods of time then i'd recommend the ad700s
wow impressive comparison thx, gaming on them and wearing them for LONG periods of time is exactly what i want my headphones to be good at
You don't notice a difference with classical? With my Ad700 I can hear each note with a clarity which I do not get with other headphones.
You have € 25000 on gb d.intel
You lost

dno if i can trust them again
Night comes back to save the day.
trolled hard
dignitas will win cos there is money involved
thats what i said in my original statement, but esl censored it :<
esl is just mad cuz the money is stylin on them
money involved in ec too (atleast... i imagine winning teams are going to ebay/sell the steelseries stuff)

also is it right that the headsets are for 2nd and the mice for 1st? cos i can understand the use of having a subpar spare headset laying around, but a subpar spare mouse? little odd tbh
oh god and theyre both horrible. but i could have made like £30 on the mouse. fuck you for kicking my team out
you still have a chance to beat F5, hayaa won't be avi to play :p
oh fair enough, i haven't really been following ec. i haven't really touched the game since aef, should probably do something about that if i have to play :!
why doesnt jakazc play instead of undead ?
Don't blame Undead, he played very well versus impact.
hey i dont blame undead wtf :s : jakazc=dignitas member longie time , undead = new in dignitas dont you fucking see the difference ????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!
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