Predators 2010

image: predators-movie-poster

Has anyone seen the movie?
yea, it was good!
tv movie, don't watch in cinema's
Im about to see it in the cinema^^ there is nothing else on -.-
Nice movie, idd! But I was already in ...
its the only worthable movie
i would rather see A-team or wait for the expandables, dont see any reason to go to the cinema
Was boring tbh :D
Gonna watch Salt tonight. Hopefully it worth it :)
Tell me if it is ... I'm lookin forward to its release too :)
alright so i saw the movie and i must say it was worth it. The story is good(perhaps not realistic but who gives a fuck) and it has a few nice developments along the way. Overall a very enjoyable action thriller. 7/10
thats what I expected :) sounds promissimg
image: predator1a

was better
movie was totally boring
yup, 4.5/10 for me
Didn't like at all. :(
I like it because i love predator & alien but if u got a brain u can know the end after 5mn
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