XreaL engine ports W:ET gameplay

Quote by http://xreal-project.net/XreaL renderer to be ported to Wolf:ET

Great news from the QuakeCon 2010. id Softare released the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory source code under GPL terms.

I’m going to create a new branch called ET-XreaL soon. It will contain the vanilla ET engine with the renderer replaced by the XreaL one.

I already diffed the vanilla Q3A renderer code with the ET one and there aren’t many changes. Most changed lines contain the new skeletal animation code and there is some new foliage and decal rendering code. It is not particular difficult to merge those changes into the XreaL renderer.

I also need to fix a few things. The XreaL renderer is compatible to most Q3A shader keywords but a few are broken because compatibility to old assets had no priority in the original XreaL game project.

And that’s the next point. As some people expected … the original XreaL game project is dead and I won’t waste my resources on dealing with artists again.

The ET-XreaL branch will be an engine project which is interesting for ET mod people.

I haven’t worked on the renderer for almost a year. However I would like to demonstrate a feature that I developed last year.

Parallel Split Shadow Maps (PSSM) for sun shadows.

Imagine. ET could look like that.

It is a demonstration map for testing parallel split shadow maps.
The grass and the trees are animated using the GPU. The scene renders at 60 fps on a Geforce 8800 and each frame contains up to 1 000 000 polygons.

Source: http://xreal-project.net/

sorry for repost! :-((
eyecandy slacdodge
If it gets popular SLAC will surely be ported to it - and so will ETPro, I bet.
so yeah this makes it new battlefield,great graphics but shit gameplay due to huge fps drops
no thanks
Not really... With xreal dual-core will actually be used.

+ This test was with GPU only which is not really a real time situation....
the current ET system is more power hungry than this on the newer pc's imo lol, or atleast really buggy
ET is basicly an advanced Q3 engine, which was coded circa 2000. Video cards were hardly used back. ET doesnt use your video card at all, though it could if you would add some upgrades a la cod4, same engine but using the power of the todays gpu's
Fun fact: you will have better FPS in XreaL than in the current ET if your computer was made after 2002.

It will just help us revive the ET community by attracting new players with good graphics - something that today's gamers appreciate (heh).
Is there a release date?
Old news is old
where is the original one?
There was a journal yesterday
Quote by MeFun fact: you will have better FPS in XreaL than in the current ET if your computer was made after 2002.

It will just help us revive the ET community by attracting new players with good graphics - something that today's gamers appreciate (heh).
ok agree with that
QuoteFun fact: you will have better FPS in XreaL than in the current ET if your computer was made after 2002.
i see only benefits , so what's the catch :p

GL with ur project!
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