Dog and Wolf Singing Duet Animated Wild Pets Lip Sync Original Music Tune Song

Music,Lyrics&Art Copyright 2010 LilNiceWolf.What race name?Please Comment,Rate,Favorite and Subscribe,I reply.Here is the story behind this video.Can safely be skipped without losing viewing experience,its probably not interesting apart from cult followers and just cool folks.Early morning the first part came up quickly followed by the chorus or refrain.Some adjustments of the tones made it sound more unique from very similar stuff made in the 80s and 90s.On the morning and afternoon,I arranged with the cakewalk composer software program.On the lunch break,I hummed in my head to see if some variations could fit.In the evening the work was more or less finished.I saved as wave and uploaded the mp3 file to the player on my Facebook Page.I got some listeners but I think its necessary with a visual add to reach the broader audience.The idea for promotion film was conceived about the same time but I was to lazy to advance.A week later,I started studying photos of wolves to learn the special features differentiating from related species.It surprised me how many variants there were.Some looked like a German Shepherd and other almost like a fox.Finally I picked a characteristic santa beard style.I forgot about the text the singers articulate.It was written some days after the track in a beta version.The rest along with the timing in the subtitle file was done today even outside.This is kind of a follow up to my previous Dog Fail Scare Cat.The tempo is the same stunning hundred forty four beating a minuet.The hi-hat and ride cymbal patterns are slightly extended to include a third stroke right on.The whistle is removed and much done in unison alternated with ping pong echo where the performers switch leading role.I dont know which of tweening or repeated images that takes the longest portion of hours to do,it depends on the task.Seeing a frontal view where the object bends backward or forward makes it hard to automate and left is tedious light table canvas which are combined to moves.Creating from visions of thought or memory leaves much errors in perspective and natural movement.A trick used by professional animators is to use a mirror to mimic the steps involved to look real.Help from a digital camera or camcorder is handy too.Cheating is allowed in entertainment and many do rotoscoping.The day I originally planned to be ready to publish,I ran into several problems of different sort caused by both me,myself and yt staff rules.The biggest obstacle was to get an appealing thumbnail still preview extracted.Later,this counter measure turned out to be an advantage and good critic.I wanted one with the teeth exposed and the other with closed jaws.Instead I got wide open horrific reddish sights that looked awful.I tried to exchange some tones from bone to flesh but had no luck.Next ,I repaired curves with holes leaking using the special editor built in the software for studio projects.If I Remember correctly,I failed nine times in a row.Every try took two hours fifty due to a slow computer incapable of rendering the video output in quicktime or dvd format.At the same moment,I realized that focusing on subjects in the the outer halfs of the screen was impossible leaving a free answer to my problem.Instead of multiple tones,of course limit down to a single of attention.The solution prevented simultaneous attack jaw raising because I desired familiar Zeke to be recognized as calm.O boy was I happy four o clock when nothing clicked and the horizontal bar indicated 100 percent transcoding success.Tomorrow I will test the sound with removed solo achievements,the correspondence must fit between phrases and lines.The photographic transfer from ink to pixels was done with my Aiptek PocketDV AHD GO-HD+ Z300HD-V in macro mode with flashlight and flash mode locked.Tracing was boring but resizing was awesome.To advice,I collected various examples of doggy and wolfy behaviour from watching my neighborhood,TV and books.The nose is fascinating in its regular shape with the nostrils ending sideways.I missed the cleft in the upper part but it was too late to correct or switch.My intention was put it on the web wall on Facebook a few days after the introduction previous week.I postponed total exposure to Friday May12 but that was too optimistic with the mighty puppy just having diffuse outlines.Pressing myself to act each day,on Saturday 13 the other grey dude with fangs showed.Many has asked me about the point of shorts.My reaction is a counter question,why?The general opinion is that entertainment,comedy and jokes should surprise to laugh.I agree but seldom predict exactly where.Honestly I dont care about meaning,its an unknown message waiting to be resolved like a puzzle or riddle.It pisses me that I misunderstood the kick way animals fold their ears screaming,its upwards and not downwards as in the direction of my orange cat meow composition from August 2008.Im sorry for any confusion of teaching dumb stuff better anyways

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen on YouTube. I like how real the dog and wolf sounds, it's incredible!
There's more on his channel
Holy crap batman, we've hit the motherload!
what the fuck is happening here
thats fucked up!
@germans: watch this directly at youtube, the (google) translation is hilarious
what the hell
nice :) but they just look to evil with they mouths open :<
please die young.
wolves dont bark :|||
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