ETTV connect from browser

Seems like you don't need GreaseMonkey and a script for doing this.

As commented below do the following:
1) log in on gtv
2) go to settings (display settings)
3) linkstyle: game URI

GamesTV will now display connect urls by itself, works with hlsw etc too depending on the linkstyle you pick.


Read someones comment on how he wanted to connect to ETTV servers from his browser and fixed a little script to have a Connect url next to the server IP on GamesTV for lazy people like me.
To use this you need to be using FireFox (for Chrome see my notes at the end).

image: ac4l1g

1) Install Sl.GameLauncher (this program enables clicking et:// links in your browser).

2) Install the FireFox GreaseMonkey addon from here (1 click install, click on 'add to FireFox')

3) Install the GreaseMonkey GamesTV script I wrote from here (click on 'install')

Now whenever you are viewing a Match on GamesTV and you click on the ETTV server name there will be a [connect] url next to the server ip which when clicked launches ET to connect to that server.
Works for Shoutcast servers too.

For Chrome users, you will have to install GreaseMetal but it's trivial since Chrome doesn't have official addon support like FireFox and I haven't tested it. All greasemonkey scripts should work fine in GreaseMetal though.
I proposed it :P

Thanks for doing it :)
You're welcome!
gtv = awesome crew + site
Yep. It would be better if they added an et:// url to the pages themselves though so all we had to do was install Sl.GameLauncher and not greasemonkey+my script.
i have only sl.gamelauncher, try the following

-log in on gtv
-go to settings (display settings)
-linkstyle: game URI

fixed, no need for bullshit scripts =)
Hah, seems I've wasted my time then :)
Ohwell it was a quick script, thanks for the update, I'll edit the journal.

is easier
gtv = awesome crew + site
grease monkey can carry a virus
Not GreaseMonkey, GreaseMonkey scripts can.
You can view the sourcecode to the js on the script page if you dont trust it, it's only 5 lines of code :)

And yes, ctrl+c->ctrl+v works fine but this is for the lazy people like me.
You know what? Fuck yeah!
using hlsw link, works better showing nick list before clicking 2nd time to connect etc
hold left mouse button..highlight IP...right click copy...start console...type /connect and control V the fucking IP..

Isn't so hard really
get's boring after a time

now just click and instant win =)
or u can just open it with xfire
i didnt read this or anything, and i dont know what ure rly talking about. but isnt it possible since ages that you can connect via an external program to connect right away, and in ure options you can choose wich, im using xfire.
Yeah, I didn't know that so I updated the journal with instructions on how you can do that :)
with HLSW --> click --> connect

gtv = awesome crew + site
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