
How come I never wake up remembering dreams like so many of u ? :(

It seels like I never really dream... I just wake up and never dreamt :D


What's your best dream?! Or do you have a special dream that you keep getting over and over?!

I don't have one :(
Back when I was a young boy I dream I had sex with a bunch of hookers in Paris (un)dressed like those Moulin Rouge girls. I could see the Eifeltower from the window.

My first wet dream :)

Haha nice :p

Btw speelde nog Starcraft II?! add anders [email protected] maar :p
Eigenlijk niet op t moment, maar ik zal je wel toevoegen voor als ik wat meer speel :}
rofl i dream almost the same with polak girls
someone has to say it so Ill take one for the team and do it:

that's as far as you'll ever get with girls.

Pardon me.
I'm not a virgin anymore :(
Start writing a dream log. Whenever you remember a dream, write down everything you can remember of it. This way your mind will "learn" to remember the dreams and suddenly you'll remember them all for a long time.
I only dream about Ania since my vacation in poland :)))))
no mate :( she's not THAT hot(well she is extremely beautiful, but polish guys are wierd and can't see that i guess), she's just special and so easy to talk with.... and I miss her :(
You mean she's in a wheelchair?
Thats pretty normal,

I sometimes remember parts of it but most of the times I forget everything 2minutes after I woke up :p
No problem is I never have dreams :D Or maybe I do dream but i actually never realise i had one..:(
its impossible to never have dreams, u prolly just sleep to tight to remember m : )
as far as i know, u have dreams while waking up, not while in the middle of ur sleep!

so u cant sleep to tight to remember, atleast i think so, cuz ur waking up that time :D

or my english is just fckd up!
how can u dream while waking up
ye not just a sec before ure awake, but on the way from the your deep sleep to the point ur awake, means maybe last 15mins or 30 idk exactly
that actually makes sense, as whenever i remeber my dreams i end up waking up in the middle of it
Everyone always dreams when they sleep... :)
he is actually right
buy a dreamcatcher
i remeber all my dreams. but have some blackouts in dream also.
you always have dream , but you just cant remeber it -
do u sleep next to window? i heard this make u unable to remember dreams :D
OMG trololo it's true!
so move ur bed!

i also sleep next to window and rarely remember my dreams
yeh, the wind took my dreams away:(
My window is never open..
and I have lucid dreams , they're amazing...
My dreams feel so real :/
Let krosan see this journal, it will be whole life story ;p
when im sick i alwasy have mind fuck dreams
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