
What a great day it is... Warm and sunny!

Such weather made me do the impossible - i've shaved myself... after 2 weeks of not doing it i looked like Binladen :X

Tell me crossies, are u also so lazy when it comes to shaving your faces? :0
Yes I am, shave every 1.5/2 weeks I guess
I shave only on workdays, never on weekends. I look terrible with it though, cause there is a few holes here and there in it :[ dididididi
yes i am, shave every 1/1.5 weeks i guess
I can skip 1 day...
depends if im going out or not or if i cba to even shave D: although depends if im getting any action dont wana have a rough muff for my bf :(
me not liek terorists
good job i shaved today! :DD
I am also lazy as shit, but at least it doesn't grow that much, so even after 2 weeks you hardly notice. :>
Never had any problems with it, can go without shaving for 3 months and still don't see any facial hair...
Babyface :D
!drah dellort
Wow, that's poor :P
hehe took you long enough!
Was at toilet :<
My condolences.
Low testosterone or just a kid? :((((
Lucky you! l0L.

Friend has the former, can't even grow chest hair and he's 23, but then he hasn't exercised properly in 10 years :'(((((((
im lazy as shit with it xD

gotta do it atleast every 3 days

wait today is monday....last time shaved on friday...thats 3 days :///

thx for ruining my day xD
i use the trim function on my electrical shaver cuz im too lazy to shave propperly, it keeps it a mm or something.
but im done way faster, so totally worth it
It's what I do. People ask me for my ID when I shave completely so I tend to avoid it..
I'm usually growing a beard and take it off when it starts to look stupid.

Getting a electric razor/shaver next week I think, should be doing it a bit more often then :P
und immer warn sie warm und lecker
Poland Yuppie

gtfo with him :(
shaving all 2-3 days :>

(always before going on a party)
Depends if I want to get into the pub without I.D :PP
Usually prefer clean shaven, but if I could grow my hair/beard like image: AA_johann_hegg_1 then I would :P
Always forgetting it... GF is whining about it all the time though :D
i shave it like every 2 days :P
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