Wi-Fi troubles

Hello crossfire,

recently my ET is acting weird and I don't know what to do. My connection is getting worse by the day it seems and my ping is very unstable + I get alot of connection interrupted. Someone told me It could be my config or just settings being messed up.

Gief help plz

and maybe someone else with wifi has a ood config for it

thanks in advance
I played Pokemon with Meez on wi-fi once, it was dope
-ping to your standard gateway, look if those timings are fine
-move closer to your access point / wireless router
-check your wireless protection, turn wpa2 and mac filtering on for max security =)
-disconnect router / access point for a minute, also unplug the power for some minutes, then plug it back in =)
-blame ISP
k, How do i do step 1 and 3? :DDD

I don't know mujch about this
step 1: (i assume that you use windows 7)
-click the "start" button
-typ "cmd" (without "") in the start search box, hit enter and a command prompt window will show up
-type "/ipconfig" and check the number that's behind the standard gateway (this is the IP address of your router)
-now typ "/ping <IP address of your router>" and check what response time you get
-when your wireless network is quite fucked up you will get a high respons time and the problem definitely is inside your own network and not ISP related =)

step 3:
-after you have figured out what the IP addres of your router is, you can access the option tools of your router through web interface
-so open IE and type: "http://<ip address router>"
-prolly you will be asked for login information, since you didn't knew how to access web interface before i assume it's just left standard, so prolly something like "admin" or "root" or "default"
-then since i don't know what type of router you have, you have to search for stuff like wireless security or something in the webinterface, just enable wpa2 and carefully write down the key
-restart your router, with some this is possible through web interface, others you just have to unplug a minute from the power net and it's fixed =)
-now when you connect back again to your wireless you will be asked for the security key, enter it and tadaaaa, you're safe

(i will safe you from explaining howto turn on mac filtering since it's not necessarily needed)

gl hf
er komt op dat /ping niet word herkend als een interne of externe opdracht, programma of batch + ik gebruik windows Vista

kan ik hier iet me doen?

ah sorry, tis zonder / :D

gwn "ipconfig" en "ping" :P

en met dieje site kunde in DEES geval nie veel doen, da is uw "extern" ip zeg mar, nu hebde ipkes nodig van uw netwerk binnenshuis ;)

you will get something like the following:
image: ncjb7r
(.245 is my wireless accesspoint, .254 my router without wireless =))
Minimum 1 ms
maximum 4ms
gemiddelde 1 ms
Mja das in orde dan, dan is uw bereik normaal ok wel in orde

dan zalt mss wel de beveiliging zijn, dat er ander volk op uw netwerk zit en alles dichttrekt, mja
kleef in een boeregat enkel mijn familie kan er op, mijn ma en pa zij er ni en mijn zusse zijn aant lere, maar vroeger had da ni

maar ik heb nog 1 vraag:

Ik heb hier 2 wireless PCI kaarte ligge

N_Max Wireless PCI Card--- WNC-0601 (Level One)

USR5418 (USrobotics)

Welke moe ik heb best gebruike?
Eerste ziet er wel beter uit, maar da zou nie mogen uitmaken, zoude zowel beide een stabiel signaal moete geven.

Uw zusse zen toch gen webcamsletjes, want da zou ok wel veel verklare als die allen upload wegtrekke, dan kant wel is traag zijn :D
Neej geen camslette zover da ik weet :D

dank u voor mij te helpe e :)

Nog toch iets klein, hebt ge suggesties voor settings in et

(rate etc) en welk connection type moe ik neme (ISDN, MODEM,LAN, etc)

danke sehr
voor zover ik weet zijn rate (25000) en maxpackets (100) forced in ET, kunde nie verandere

connection type beste LAN pakke, da optimaliseert uwe pc voor hoge snelhede zeg maar =)
get decent internet you polak
Boot your box every now and then.
just did, but It didn't help + rebooted modem aswell
image: lankabel

bestest solution
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