Ppl QQin over Medal of Honor

Sup cf,

just saw this vid where they were talking about the new Medal of Honor,
u can play as the Taliban and kill the amerifags.
What do you guys think about it? :)

vid: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4311300/video-game-lets-you-be-the-taliban/

image: Arielrebel-ataphotoshoot-inshape-ahotmatchingbarandpantielingerieset_512
lol at the mum
i wouldn't enjoy playing a sandnigger, but killing americans sounds fun.
Killing amerifags is always good. But killing talebans is even better.
too skinny
Any different to playing as Nazis?:l
mohaa is great
just seen when i was crapping, i crapped my ass off
they would be american wouldnt they
world war 2 is not based on real ppl???
yeah right...
I'd prefer playing as taliban
shes more talking anti-war games, not about playing as the taliban
Yeah, poor Americans being killed. Nevermind those Afghani people being killed 'accidently' or even international journalists. Closeminded bigots. That's why they're so anti against Park51 as well.
Shit like that is the best PR for the game...
they should try a survey asking gamers and nongamers if they would generally support (maybe a fictional) war.
i would bet that the percentage of NOs would be greater amongst the gamers.

as for that fat twat:
top shelf americunt. cant get a single fact straight and cant help but to contradict directly.
"it isnt real"
"it is real for us!"
throw the XBOX out u stupid fuck ur son doesnt play it anymore and you dont have to see the shit (,he was playing before being dumb (/maerican) enough to get himself shot).
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