What's the UK really like..?

So after a few years I'm dragging my lazy ass back to my beloved Lake District in NW England for a week on Thursday..

So, 1 or 6 questions..

How much does a Ginsters cost?
Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins?
Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter?
Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool?
Do bin men still get over inflated wages?
Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce?
How much does a Ginsters cost?

Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins?
Never heard of such a thing, sounds disgusting.

Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter?

Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool?

Do bin men still get over inflated wages?
It's politically incorrect to call them "bin men" now. Seriously.

Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce?
Never tried a kebab with it
apart from your answers 4 and 5, I can't actually believe u live there..Or are u southern, which would explain it?
SE London

Btw all Safeways are now Morrisons, including London.
good to know actually...but only if they sell meat and potato pies...
Only 65% of safesways turned into morrisons. Due to the whole market share/monopoly law.
Take me with ya.
enjoy m8 :>

read: how much does a ginger cost ":D"
How much does a Ginsters cost?
Depends what type of Ginsters you fancy, much variety :)

Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins?
Yes, all supermarkets do.

Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter?

Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool?
The youth culture of today.

Do bin men still get over inflated wages?
Yes, they also have over-inflated egos.

Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce?
fucking best answer yet! I can't wait now :)
u coming to dundee then ?
only if u lend me some fishing tackle :)
im not retired yet.
can't believe u edited that :)
I was in dundee at the weekend. Fat sams is shite!
If id of known someone from here lived in dundee, id of asked for tips on where to go! I know someone who lives there so she came and picked us up and showed us around a bit. anyways good giggles.
did u mean Fat Scubas is shite?
That works too!

is this answer useful? y/n
dunno really cba to look up at the questions...
You answered no to a why question.
How much does a Ginsters cost?
not sure what you mean

Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins?
that sounds horrific, i have never heard of that

Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter?
probably, im not sure

Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool?
most people dont im sure, its considered a seriously morally bad thing to do

Do bin men still get over inflated wages?
there is a minimum wage of like £5.something, but binmen get paid more because its a shitty job that nobody wants to do, so i guess thats to encourage people into the job

Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce?
i have never eaten a kebab
answer 4 rox, u is the man :)
people who are saying 'its the youth culture of today' and 'chavs' are talking about a minority, and read The Sun too much :)
It's got nothing to do with reading The Sun, I don't read that shit at all. You look at the majority of youths now and they would do that. It's actually the minority that don't.
dont know who you hang out with, but the majority i know would never do that - they have more respect than that. my remark about The Sun is based on the media, who live to make everyone think that chavs are the majority, every young person is roaming the streets doing drugs etc, which is mostly a load of bull - the majority dont do all that stuff. the minority (chavvy people etc) do, and the media go mad over it making it look like all young people are like that
You obviously live in a very nice area/bubble.
lol no, i live in lincoln, which incidentally has on average one of the lowest house prices in the UK. i also work in mcdonalds, which sees its fair shair of pricks. but im not going to accept for one minute that chavs are a majority, thats ridiculous when you look at the whole
I don't just classify chavs as "people" who walk around in shell suits or whatever. Anybody who cheats the system, lives their lives on benefits unnecessarily, acts like a yob, has an ASBO, uses voilence and intimidation to gain "respect", drug dealers/pushers and the list can go on. You can't say that the chavs/lowlives/scum are still a minority, that is just narrow minded.
UK is full of chavs, and it's the youth's culture these days
kebab tastes always good
going from just the name of the journal

1 word: shit
How much does a Ginsters cost? - Too much
Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins? - Last time I checked
Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter? - Yes
Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool? - Because it's the UK's version of Ibiza for chavs, and pathetic cunts in general
Do bin men still get over inflated wages? - Not here
Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce? - No

Lake district, the only place I like in England :D
hY old man :>>>
How much does a Ginsters cost?

Too much

Do Sainsburys still sell Curry in tins?

Don't know about Sainsburys but places like Lidl and Asda have such delicacies.

Do Morrisons sell Meat and Potato pies at the deli counter?

England has pretty awesome pork pies!

Why do people piss on war memorials in Blackpool?

Why do people live in Blackpool?

Do bin men still get over inflated wages?

Compared to the amount of actual days they work, yes.

Do Kebabs still taste better with mint sauce?

Never tried with mint sauce. I just love the brown salad sauce! (It's like a vinegary substance)
aye Pork Pies aint bad either...but u need to drown a kebab in mint sauce man...awesome!
I wish dutchland had Sainsburys/Tesco's :<
Come see me in landan taan
LAKE DISTRICT just got back from kendal! 30 mins it will take me to come and rape u :p
will prolly visit Morecambe at some point. Need to go to the second hand bookshop on the front if it's still there!
haha the yellow one thats called something stupid like "book shop" haha yeah its stilll there no frontierland though :(
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