fuck slac

Fuck slac dont trust this shit anymore passwords had been changed from some websites and posting random shit at other facebook accounts gtfo now
You're awesome!
oh yeah, bet that has to do with slac and not with anything else... like a unsafe password or some kind of phishing :)
:) really really strange password with capitals numbers and everything to make it safe
if you really believe that i was slac you must be kinda paranoid. i bet you download shitloads of stuff during a week and most of it is from private coders and you just think cause chapljia coded hax he has the knowledge to steal your passwords and shit?

good point rly
It's strange i dint even instal any single application this last week nor downloaded anything after the download of slac tho i dont really know if it's slac but their are much more people thinking that slac aint safe
ye and i m sure its not slac ;)
gief, Mr. SL
got no mousepad, only other stuff :p
other stuff is also welcome
Fuck slac, he took 400 euro´s from my bankaccount. I´m done with this shit!
Fuck slac, he took my virginity. I´m done with this shit!
happened to me too bro! couple months ago JUST after I installed slac!
SLAC killed my parents :(
gg chaplja, posting shit on facebook
you just mad cuz a virus is stylin on you
Fuck slac, he took my aim. I´m done with this shit!
Fuck slac, it made me gay!
It's Haddock
Obviously. I was referring to the comic.

You have tintin in Finland?
You must be a cheater who is raging.

Please gtfo the internet.
even if chaplja or somebody got your pw, why would he post random facebook comments :D :D ?
Yes.. He will change your passwords for random sites and goes spamming a random facebook cuz its so cool.
Yup.... slac targeted you in the whole community. Seems a valid arguement!
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