new headset??

since i lost my headset when i cleaned up my room i wanna buy a new headset for around 20 euro.any good for that money?=-)

how can u lose it when u clean ur room?

Quote20 euro

You're out of luck.
25 euro's TRUST GTX 10

its nice little thingy, not that expensive!
How can you LOSE something when you CLEAN your room? =D
in ear headphones and a table mic = win.
good sennheiser or known audio brand headphones HD5xx with mic clip from zalman or 2 dollar one from deal extreme ( only takes 4 weeks to get tho from hongkong ) good quality.
won't get that for around 20 euro's though.
yea, but 20 euro headset is shit anyway. Sennheiser will last for years, unlike that 20 euro headset. Some people dont think about that.
Hmmm don't fully agree on that. It all depends on how well you take care of your stuff. If you throw it around without a care in the world, then even the sennheisers won't live all that long ;-)
yes, thats the biggest problem ofc. But i think people will take more care of a expensive sennheiser headphone than a cheap 20 euro headset.
Sennheiser HD 202 + Table mic = INSTA WIN.
had same, feel big difference between 10euro headset and this(25 euro xD)
jij bent kanker arm
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