One of my friends!!

Old high school friend Kramer gotten signed and now playing on tour check out there music video!!!

(Kramer is the screamer.)
shitty teh drummer uses triggers :/

anyways... more power to him :]
nice hits :P but not my music style
the chorus is nice, but the rest sounds to me like PUKE PUKE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

or like a burping pig.
ppl who listen to this proboly have earcancer
boring, nothing special + drums sound like...pfui (especially the basedrum).

it's similar to "as i lay dying", "shadows fall", "unearth" and so on...

but he should shave his bard, would look way cooler without :)
lol yea well i posted this cause only friends right now i have that went big ^^
I listened the whole song, and now there is puss coming out of my ears :S

is this normal?
waarom luister je dat hele liedje egt een kanker muziek.
weenie , ff checke of het nog beter werd. Maar het geeft me alleen maar hoofdpijn
Kan dat zelf ook wel beetje schreeuwen
Generic screamo crap imo.
Why would anyone want to listen to this trailer park fag and his girlfriend sing
How can someone listen to this shit music man, srsly..
lol kramer he mad? he scream
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