
c:\mf\mforce.exe "c:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" NORMAL mf_hook.dll
im i doing something wrong ? et does open but im not sure mouseforce is doing his job becaus i dont see a mforce.exe process nor mf_init.exe in the taskmanager

im trying my best to be a nerd but i fail once again...
Ask promen he was helping me with that.
why dont you help me lazy boy :D
whats that?
use rinput dumbass
use rinput yourself dumbass now give me a good tip, on wich mousepad will me DA 3.5G perform zeh best haaaa ?
razer mantis control
you sure ? i've read that cloth pads suck with 3.5G sensor isnt that true ?
i have clothpads enough but it performs so average while my 7 euro mouse performs better at them
mantis / goliathus control is quite different from all other clothpads since it has a "textured" surface prolly being the reason they don't suck with high dpi sensors. Keep ming tho that if u r used to slick pads it's gonna take quite a lot of time getting used to the rough feeling of a razer control pad
no idea, ppl say it jitters on all clothpads(except for goliathus/mantis control) like abyssus which has the same sensor. Though it's firmware upgradeable unlike abyssus so maybe it got fixed
anyway the best clothpad is puretrak talent and im not sure if it works well on it so u decide
jitters very bad on the Qck+ and taito quite ok on the qpad i have the latest firmware installed before the install it was worse so it got slightly better my main problem is i cant understand a 50+ euro mouse behaves so average while my little fucking wmo performs so good but it looks shit while DA is so fucking cool :)
try palehook.ini now
use rinput, mforce uses a buffer wheras rinput injects raw input into ET. no accel issues, no input lag. im really wondering why you would want to use mforce
maybe because i didnt know about that stuff :)
sens should feel allot faster on lower windows sliders, that's all I can remember of it :S
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