le big bored

hey cf nerds its 3 am, im at work and im fucking bored ! And plz dont say im a prostitute, im just a gogo dancer

P.S: useless journal is useless
i just played on hirnlos and they didnt kick the cheater
go and make something with this newcoming animal-peoples in your country!
I'm watching a program on Cicada's, insects that only hatch every 17 years.

image: 170px-Cicada_molting_animated-2
J'ai trop faim ramène moi un pain au chocolat please ! :)
tu verrai comment y son fabriqué t'en mangerai plus jamais :DD (la pate tombe par terre, ils la remete sur le tapis) t'en veut tjr ? xd
mdr akram!!!!!
rofl akram
ramdan will fuck u so hard with ur work now :P
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