IQ Test? :>

Inspired by Stukka i present u 40 minutes long IQ test... U can solve it quicker[did it] but its not best idea...

Share results! i got 129 but sadly dont have screen of it, nor time to do it once more!
french or gtfo
heh, ur not important it seems :P

im polish and did english version... its not THAT complicated
cmon i'm french i'm 2 stupid 2 read english
103 did about half and guessed the rest
13 for me
stopped after seeing a wall of text

e: 84 after clicking always the same button
stopped after reading 40minutes
just click on a or b the whole time like me
got tired after q 10, kept on pressing the same number afterards,still did over avrage ^^
choosing an answer IS over average
144 but online iqtests are useless
98 (egoquitted at question 22... cba to answer till 39)
ye its pain in ass to anwser all of them
image: trollfaces

stupid farmer overhere, will bake bread and farm my whole life long ! :<

image: trollfaces

image: unbenanntqv

im just as smart as ag0n and smeagol
dein freund schell kackt oft daneben
we care about your icq list! props for the use of opera though, thought i was the only one using it!
take b or h to get 81 points, the rest is under 79
100 by making a lottoticket.
Stupid and easy test.

image: iqtestronner

Online iq tests are usually utter shit.
Are you a wizard ?
not really.
104 :/
already done that months ago but on a diff site
Stupid and easy test.

image: iqtestnemesis

Online iq tests are usually utter shit.
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