TV problem...

So... i picked up a Dvi to HDMI cable today so i can connect my pc to my TV. Which i did. now there is a few options...

I can clone my screen.. so that my TV will show exactly the same as my PC does. This would have been nice but my desktops max resolution is lower then my TVs.

Then i can extend my screen.. which let me set different resolutions for my TV and PC.. but i can only use one screen then.. (the other one just shows up as a empty desktop).

I'm not really a hero at this shit... so if anyone could help me with this...

Is there a way i can switch screens easily? or is there a way i can put something on my desktop while in extended screen mode??

any advice is very welcome :)

thanks in advance for help :D

image: hot-chick7
wow, what an ugly face *_*
didn't look at face :o
But Afghan eyes <3
QuoteIs there a way i can switch screens easily? or is there a way i can put something on my desktop while in extended screen mode??

yes ofc, where is the problem?
hmmm well.... i'm really not great at these kinds of things and i dunno exactly how to explain it.... but i'll give it a try:

When i'm in extended mode it just shows my icons and taskbar on my TV.. if i click on my computer screen and for example click configuration screen, it shows it on my TV.

e: so i can't enter my computer or w/e on my PC while in extended mode...
hit the checkbox to set your monitor up as your main screen
ye ok i did that now cheers.. and how do i play something on my secondary screen now??
what thomm said
ok cheers guys :)
Monitor: primary display

TV: extend

ye i did it like that now thanks to zerender.. but euhm... how do i play something on my TV screen now??
Just drag the player there and double-click it to fullscreen.
ah ok cheers :p
oh wait one more question for you lads :D now my TV screen has 2 black bars on the sides of them can i get it to be full screen?? ^^
Go through your options and change it
it's all sound now mate cheers anyways :)
thanks for the help btw much appriciated <3
Just a note if you are doing that and using slac you'll need to disable the second screen or you get the taskbar showing through ET error, at least I do anyway!
hmmm ok i'm not using slac atm but if i do in the future thanks for the tip :)
BTW it's working now with different resolutions and black bars have gone aswell.. Thanks for all the help guys!! love ya <3
ultramon ftw
Get a switcher.

Unplug your monitor. I use a 36" TV for the PC and its pretty good.
Even play ET on it, when I play, and its ok.

Lose the monitor. (Unless you want 2 screens?)
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