Intel acquires McAfee for $7.68 billion

Yeah, what the fuck do we care man?
antivirus inside
They must have a very good reason to buy a company which distributes pieces of shit like their antivirus.
what's so bad about it?
It doesn't detect things it should detect, and blocks things which shouldn't be blocked.

Most virus scanners are absolute shit and slow down your system quite a lot. Norton is probably the worst of them all. All I need is firefox, common sense and a format from time to time.
actually norton 360 isnt as bad as most people say it is.
Norton, like F-Secure, protect your system by hogging enough resources to leave none for the viruses.
Its not about what it does, its about how well it sells, and clearly very well. How many of your products have netted you Millions? :)
it is normal it blocks your etbots, they usually have backdors/trojans
Norton internet security 2010 is one of the fastest around actually so you clearly dont know shit about what your trying to talk about, norton used to slow down your system a few years ago but since 2009 and more so 2010 products its one of the fastest products around and uses very little resources and it has a very good detection rate aswell so you obviobsly know nothing.
You can always quote me on where I mentioned the 2010 version. I'm talking about the previous versions who go a few years back. Those were absolute shit.

You can argue with me all you want, but during those times. Using Norton on a low/mid-range system was an absolute hell.
What fucking relevance do the old versions have to today? we are in 2010 ffs who the hell is going to be using norton anti virus 2008 2007 or 2006 you dumb cunt lol. You said norton is shit and slows down your pc as if you were talking about now, why would you be talking about old products from years ago that no one is using today your wording is dumb and just fucking stupid.
yeah yeah, nothing to do with you nerd.
damn you must be the dumbest fuck ever seen on Crossfire. Damn. Haha
haha sure there is a panzerkampfwagen IV in my eye :DDD

QuoteMost virus scanners are absolute shit and slow down your system quite a lot. Norton is probably the worst of them all.
But it's true, Norton sucks.
Well, I don't know/care. I only pointed out that he was indeed talking about present, not only past.
On a sidenote, when I used Norton back in the days on my cheap old pc, it seemed decent to me.
I'd laugh my ass off, but it seems like you're serious. Because of that, I'll laugh my ass off twice.
Ill laugh my ass off at you because you obviousbly dont know shit, its easy to tell your pretty fucking dumb.
Oh your arguments are of the highest quality.

Oh wait, this graph shows that they're of the lowest cast. Starting conversations with "You are fucking retarded, listen to me as I am correct and better than any of you" is just so elementary school
image: Ymh6s
My statemants are based on facts and my own personal experience of testing nearly all of the main internet security products from 2009 and then 2010 on speed and testing them myself on known trojan and virus sites to see if the product detects them and norton 2010 detected everything and is one of the fastest and uses little resources. So go suck a dick you smelly little cunt maybe try it yourself otherwise stfu dickhead.
Ad hominem! I win this convo!
Dont tell me you go around using your little graph on other peoples comments thinking, oh im great look at me, i bet you do what a sad cunt.Atleast you gave me something to laugh at thats always a plus, although it's at your expense.Using a fucking graph lol some people just amaze me,what ever happend to telling someone your a cunt or shouting fuck you and arguing properly.Now we've got little posh cunty kids like yourself using graphs, do you carry that around in real life aswell or have you memerized it hahaha sado.Bet you get bitch slapped everyday for being the gay guy where you live.Now jog on you little twat.
Surely you can't be like that in real life? If you are, you probably get beaten up daily.
In every message you've posted here so far all you've done is insulted people who disagree with you. Tells quite a bit about you, really.

Now to the point: my grandmother has a system with Norton 2010 with that Norton 360 thing, and her computer takes ages to boot although all she really uses it for is paying bills. Even after it has booted it's hellaslow, it takes ages to open up a web browser, and this is only because of that poor excuse of an antivirus. So no, Norton hasn't changed a bit.

PS: Are you really 24? I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or laugh.
Haha dont make me laugh kid,you just said the exact same thing to me as i said about you.Why are you using my thoughts,words about you,to try and argue back to me with? dumb cunt do you not have any thoughts of your own?.Yes im 24 years old and your problem with that is what? i enjoy being 24. Also Who is gonna beat me up? im a grown fucking man i can take care of myself, i dont have any problems in that area unlike yourself you skinny little bully victim.Although I do know i feel sorry for you ,its hard not to call you a cunt because clearly you are.

noton 2010 is one of the fastest and i have tried nearly all of the main products for comparison, so i have all the proof i need to make that statement unlike yourself. Fix your gran's shitty pc or buy her a new one cause its clearly her shitty pc's thats the problem not norton,thats a guarantee.
I never insulted you in person, I pondered whether or not you act like that in real life also.

This is a personal insult: fuck off asperger fag
When you're protecting a home PC, antivirus is pretty much optional for a competent user. For a company network, however, it's vital - if one of your more moronic employees (and those will be numerous) does something stupid and gets a virus on your network, you're gonna be in trouble without some kind of antivirus solution.
Used to work at an IT department as a summertime job, one big problem we always had was that the network was being attacked by trojans originating from the security guards their pc. Those guys would be browsing porn all day and night while working :P
Not talking about companies here, but that's pretty obvious yeh. Most large companies will have a decent firewall with proxy's, DNS, etc.. And a virusscanner might be handy when you got some total noobs on your network.
they'll start showing AMD hardware as trojans, beware!
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