hmmm milkshake

image: a82tji9036
nice :D that guy deserves a medal
why kill such a cool spider :(
this makes me wanna track that guy down and blend his cock
It's just a fucking spider. Almost like an insect, but not quite.
it's exactly the same like blending a hamster.
it's equally big, equally dangerous and equally hairy.
So the size of species defines whether it actually even realizes it's currently being blended?

Although when you think about it, no, not even the hamster has enough time to feel a thing when it's blended. It takes something like five seconds maximum for it to be completely mushed and the initial shock of losing a limb doesn't have time to wear out in that time which means that it won't feel pain.
Don't put words in my mouth.

I for one think you shouldn't do this to any animal. But the fact is, once an animal is of a certain size, it's easier to develop a bond with it.
Even if you don't know it, or only know it from pictures.
So in other words the guy in the picture deserves to have his dick cut off because you think killing insects (ok, spiders aren't insects, but you get the idea) is not ok?
true true..
I love you :D
oh my god :<
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
hey abort, you shouldn't post those kind of tutorials on the internet ... have you already forgotten what I've taught you ???
gtfo my internetz :(
And the ginger was born
pretty sick, but spiders suck anyway
this dude is pure ownage
why you put me inside that thing together with an fucking tarantula :(
the fatter the tastier
hate fucking spiders

gj at doing the milkshakee
nice man will also try that .. looks healthy
Looks tasty!
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