blackberry sport streams

is there any site where i can watch footballmatches streamed on my blackberry?
What do you think about your blackberry? You like it?
love it! why?
I need a new phone and I don't have any idea what is good and what isn't or what the main differences are between stuff like blackberry's, iphone's, htc's, samsung wave etc. :P
well, i needed a new phone aswell and since 3 of my friends already have a BB its easy to "ping" to each other since its free, 2 other friends are getting a BB in a few days aswell so it would be fucking cheap to communicate, got 3G internet which is fucking fast, for example youtube works like a charm so does "uitzending gemist".

i use it as a mp3player aswell now since my ipod was broken. it has word, excel + powerpoint which is nice for school.

i just love it :p
get iphone / htc
htc desire all zeh way
does blackberry supports flash? i don't know, but if so you can watch throough adthe's streams
there are also quite a few nice iphone apps to watch sports
adthe doesnt work:(
flash overall is supported by blackberry?
my old 8520 curve had no flash support :S
just found out it isnt, theyre working on it as an app.

but then again, youtube can be streamed + the site from "missed episode" from dutch television.. :(
youtube is different
keezmovies works on blackberry (mobile version) :P
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