A Goodbye Journal

Yesterday at 20:15 CET my lovely dog Benji has been put to sleep. This all begun three days ago when I returned home after his daily walk. The next day he didn't even had the strength to stand on his own. Me and my dad went straight to the vet to check what was wrong. After a x-ray the vet stated that he was suffering from 'moisture behind the lungs' (Don't know what the right words in English). He also had a lot of moisture inside his longs which made him use only 1/10 of his long capacity. This really came as a shock to me because he was perfectly fit two days before and didn't gave me any sign of exhaustion. So he stayed the night at the vet with a machine providing extra oxygen. The next day I got a phone call from the vet saying he was able to stand again and was even able to drink, my day couldn't be better. But a few hours later I got a new phone call from the vet telling me he puked it all back out and that he was back at the beginning. Then the vet wanted to make another x-ray to make sure there wasn't anything else going on. On the next x-ray we saw he had a tumor inside his stomach which almost filled his whole stomach. Benji was aged 13 and it wouldn't be fair to him to suffer from all this pain, he would also most likely not survive the operation so the only option was to put him to sleep. This was the hardest decision I had to take in my whole life. I had thirteen great years with him and wouldn't replace him for another dog in the world, will love you forever Benji ;'( <3.

image: 1030955553_5_9U1g
R.I.P. Benji
2 Februari 1997 - 19 August 2010

I would also like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to ET. My new internship is starting next week and I'm starting to play football (Soccer) again at my old club now that I'm recovered from my injury which I got a few years ago. Together with the gym and other stuff I simply don't have time to play active anymore. Besides that, ET bored me out :P. I would like to thank all the people I played with the last couple of years and especially the people I met on all the LAN's. I'll still check crossfire every now and then and play some StarCraft2 with the Mortal guys. I will alsol finish the remaining two summercup matches with baserace.et. I wish you guys the best with the upcoming cups and ET itself, it really were some great times :)

Goodbye, Ati_
Aww thats such a shame, hope you feel better soon Ati m8.

RIP. :(
poor doggie
RIP =(

btw, I'm not good with medical terms but is "moisture behind the lungs" referring to pneumonia?
That's what he means
That's horrible =(
He didn't suffer too much. It's a good way to die. Having said that, it's obviously sad :( and I wish it wouldn't have happened.
Yeah, and to be honest 13 years is a solid lifespan for a dog.
easy to say, you are 17!
awww... RIP Benji :(
rip benji



love you tim<3
too bad about your dog, mate :-( ..

now he's in dog heaven with our 2 dogs, havin fun!
a silent second pls :(
Lung* also my friend's cat died today. :(
cats > dog
SLAC dodge
slac mad coz hes lanproofed
wssquad was lanproof too :$

* Laturrr irritante rifle :D
sad story :( cute dog, i cant dream my life without my dog :( rip
RIP & goodbye!
that's what you get for messing with suVi's cat
cute dog man
are you kinda braindead?
RIP & goodbye!
i know how u feel :(
happened almost the same to my dog :(
true but he just needs attention now while he's sad :ppp
sad story, good thing u stopped playing this dead game tho

my stafford turned 14 today, no probs at all, runs and looks like a 4 years old dog, good genes i guess :d
it took you only a few years to recover from an injury

imagine what would happen if you get another injury, you might as well reserve a nice burial spot
that are the risks you take in life :P
nobody cares about your pov
where am I giving my pov?
rip hondje
sorry 'bout your dog! =(

But nice SLAC-Dodge!:-P

or was it Killerboy with his cg_crosshairx/y = 0...?
RIP en byebye

hopen dat alles heel blijft
maar ff tussendoor, welke blessure had je?
Good bye and rip Benji
You have my sympathy.
Sounds like you're angry.
May Benji rest in peace!
its weird you post it on cf, you look for attention, or for a compassion?
my dog died after 15 years, had liver cancer (liver was looking like a swiss cheese), but i didnt post it on cf because i simply think its just retarded.

gl in your football team.
oh hi doggie
My 13 year old dog had to be put to sleep a week ago too :|. Really miss her a lot, the whole atmosphere in the house changed, feels empty and sad. I found that it had more of an impact on me then when some relative which I didn't see everyday died.

Dog is really the man's best friend. Too bad dog's life is so short :(
Sorry to hear :( Same here, the house won't be the same as it was before :( Good luck with your loss mate :(
i feel with u!

my cat died a few weeks ago, she was 13 too, and had like 3 different sorts of cancer :(( a big tumor and all that stuff.

she lost a lot of weight during the past year, and in june we went to see the vet, and got this disappointing news.
i felt very bad, cuz i couldnt see her, after my parents told me, i didt saw her since april, but my parents just live too far away, and i had to study much :((

she died only about one week, before i would see her again :((

i was depressed for a long time.

this is what i made, to show my feelings for my sweety: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIRXNRSWqeo
Must be horrible not being able to see your cat before it died :( Really nice video btw, but instead of a video I'm making somekind of collage with all his best pictures and just remember the good times we had :(
it was, i met my father around 4 weeks earlier, and he told me about her diseases.
at first i didnt want to go to berlin (parents live there) before september, but i went there 7th august, but then she died 10 days earlier :((

it was such a nice day, cuz it was my grannies 75th bday, i met my sis again and all that, but then my parents called in the evening, this was not what u want to hear on such a day.

and thx, i felt like i had to do something for her :D

i dont have many printed pics of her, but like hundreds of pics on my computer, so i made this vid.

gl in the future :D
ye I had somewhat the same. I left my dog at my granny's for like 3 weeks because of my holidays to croatia and belgium and other random parties. After that he only stayed a week and a half at home when this all happened. I knew his time would come and I somehow tried to prepare for it, but this all happened so fast it still hit me as a truck :(
ye i had time to prepare too, cuz as i said my father told me like 4 weeks earlier, but it was just like "waaaaaaaaa wtf why now?"

but after what i heard of my parents, she prepared herself for "it"

the last 2 days, she was lying on the neighbours yard the whole day, in the evening my father picked her up, and she hardly had the power to breath.
cuz that freaking tumor was as big as the vet's fist, which is quite much, cuz she had only 2,6kg in the end and she died in my fathers arms :(
Ye, they say dog and cat's somehow prepare for this. But I really got no signals that something was going on and then suddenly he collapsed. Makes me think what I could have done to prevent this, but somtimes it's just helpless and you can't figure it out or think of another way of preventing this stuff to happen :(
pretty much the same for me/my parents, she didnt show some real signals, except the last 2 days, but before, she ate normally, went out, jumped on everything, just like the 13 years before.
but when i talked to my mate tites, he said, that maybe if u got a good realtionship, you may not see if something is different, if u dont want it to see. maybe hes right.
rip and 2 weeks max
cya bro
good luck in future Ati_ !
rip benji :/
Had the same when I was about 16, worst feeling in the world.
its awesome to me, what a big relationship you can get with a pet.
when i was little my mother got me a cat and basically i grew up with him being simply my own cat.
last year it kinda hit me out of nowhere when a dog broke into our garden an hunted him down and bite him into his ass.
the doctor had to take off one of his legs and a few further bones were broken.
after three days at the doctor he decided to give up and stopped breathing by his own. was the hardest day in my life although people not having a pet would probably never understand that.
at least i had the pleasure to dig him his very own grave in our garden.
i hope you have plenty of pics of him and may he rest in peace :)
Wow, that's a really cruel way to lose your pet :( Sorry to hear :( I buried my dog this afternoon in a animal cemetery nearby, hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life :( R.I.P.
it was really hard but actually i am glad i had the chance to dig him a grave on my own so i could make sure he has the best place to rest in peace.

but actually you always know a pet wont be with you for all your life.
its just that its totally worth it taking this fact and have 13 wonderful years with him at your side in return...

beasty was 13 as well btw :]
and the most famous thing he ever did was giving our beloved team austria member a nickname :D (its really because of my cat :))
hah beAsty :p ye, true, I'm thankfull to have spend 13 great years with him by my side :)
so sorry about ur dog, dont know what i would do without mine. Good Luck with whatever u decide to do for the future, cu tim x

Edit: although it may not seem like a place to post this kind of stuff, does not mean u have to be an inconsiderate prick. I will carry on deleting any other stupid comments and may even go further.
I learned to ignore most of the crossfire 'trolls', I still very appreciate you for doing this mate :) Good luck to you too! <3
Sterkte man, Ik hebt tegen 3 honden gedag gezegd.

1e een duitse herder pebbles, was 13 jaar geworden. Zij stierf aan kanker dat was doorgezaait in haar hele lichaam, dit was de eerste en de laatste keer dat ik mijn vader zag wenen.

2e een jack russel kobus, was 14 jaar geworden en had tetanus/klem, hij kon zijn bek niet meer openkrijgen.. We waren op vakantie in Italie, de dierenarts daar gaf hem een paar weken, hij bleef nog 3 maand bij ons. Ik zag de dierenarts hem het spuitje geven en hij moest zo nodig plassen, dat toen hij het spuitje kreeg alles los liet gaan. :(((

3e een rotweiler kruising fox terrier sorbonne, was 5 jaar geworden. Ze had kanker die haar hele heup weg had gevreten, maar nog steeds rennen en springen alsof er niets aan de hand was. zelf toen ze geen heup meer had nog steeds lopen zonder ook maar een keer te janken of wat dan ook.

Geeft me altijd nog tranen man...
Wow, ik denk niet dat ik de komende 20 jaar een hond neem. Past gewoon niet meer in mijn leven, gewoonweg geen tijd meer voor waardoor het beestje te lang alleen thuis moet blijven :(. Dankje, jij ook sterkte :)
good luck ati in future , will never forget our HON times:)

im really moved by your text.. my dog is soon 9 ,idk without him it would be disaster.

bye mate, good times!
Rip and bye ma lekker boi :-(.
Sad to hear about your dog. My dog got hit by a car and died in the boot on the way to the vets. I never feel comfortable walking my dogs anymore. Saves it the pain though bro, think about that!

Good luck in the future.
cya mate
can understand ur decission and rip !
RIP :'( know what it's like to lose a dog :(
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