a3 compact
20 Aug 2010, 21:47
An ex-college of mine who is a truck driver now was involved in a heavy accident in germany this tuesday. Sent me a text message from the hospital and there are a few news items on the website now. Look at the pictures, gives me the goosebumps everytime i look at them :X
luckily the truckdriver my ex-college didnt get hurt just a broken wrist or something. But i cant imagine how he must feel right and the shock when he saw that car blazing straight at him... they think it was a suicide attempt. of it really was a suicide that guy in the car was one hell of an egoistic fucker tbh
That truck belongs to my uncle too, he's the owner of the transport company
pretty sick :(
luckily the truckdriver my ex-college didnt get hurt just a broken wrist or something. But i cant imagine how he must feel right and the shock when he saw that car blazing straight at him... they think it was a suicide attempt. of it really was a suicide that guy in the car was one hell of an egoistic fucker tbh
That truck belongs to my uncle too, he's the owner of the transport company
pretty sick :(
aber wenn man sowas liest fragt man sich doch was einen 18-jährigen dazu bewegt sowas zu tun.
mal abgesehn davon das er tot ist, seine angehörigen, die angehörigen des lkw fahrers etc.
zudem hat er in dem alter, eig einen recht "sicheren" job, denn soldat ist vom staat bezahlt soweit ich weiß, das sorgt für sicheres geld!
und "sicher", naja wenn de nach afghanistan oder so geschickt wirst, is das mit sicherheit relativ, aber trotzdem, fragt man sich da schon so einiges!
aber das mit dem rauen ton is ja bekannt, und ich weiß ehrlich gesgat net wies in deutschland ist, aber man kann in glaub finnland zB abbrechen, ich kenne da einen!
und das mit dem freundinnen, is mies verstehe ich, kann aber genausogut auch zu jeder andern zeit passieren.
We had something like this near where I live. Some father kidnapped his son and decided to drive head first into an oncoming bus. The only ones to die were the bus driver and the kid.