The very first interesting journal

I found some pics from my site and i thought i will share them with you :) Maybe you have also something to share with us.




:D isaac newton
Heh, the comments by "The Church" resemble comments on Crossfire in several ways.
I only giggled a bit at the 2nd pic.
i am making ur journal interesting :D

image: 5d45K
only hated 2 times.

times 100000
hahaha "delete your face" > *
Killerboi is still hated :PPP
image: 2u5e2l4

for those who might not have seen this yet
lol, killerboy edited his post like 5 times, from ":DDDDD" to : ROFL :DDD" so on and finally copying me and saying it's a win
funny guy
How do which you sleep while ET as in do as you can try?
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