Tour de Nonix finish

Hello guys! Arrived Budapest on Wednesday midnight. Were busy to write a proper journal, and still.

Started my trip on aug 7 18:00 finished on aug 19 23:45
Wanted to go 1 more week but I had to decide to skip Germany, for few reasons.
Performed 1200 km in 12 days and on Tuesday night 21:00 started to go to home from Bratislava to Budapest in 27hours (!), was very happy about it. (last day from morning beated my daily record, went more than 210 km!)

About me, I pushed hard my limits. Sometimes it was really hard, but never gave up. Met a lot of nice people around the countries in Slovakia, Poland, Czech.
Special thanks to SlovakiaKimi SlovakiafiluS PolandCisy. All of them very nice guy!
Pictures and stuff maybe later, still I need some relax.
im back from bio too after a week
QuoteI pushed hard my limits. Sometimes it was really hard, but never gave up.

Hope you enjoyed it :D
glad to see that u made it. gratz

when is the next tour ?
Dont know, not planning yet.
Well It would be possible to go not just in summer. But then it's better with a group of people and not sleeping in tent ofc.
so im guessing u slept in ur tent for the most part of ur trip.

maybe next time ask ppl who can give u a bed and make a route based on that.
4 days in bed (3 ET related ppl + 1 motel in Brno)
Congrats :-)

So, what does your ass look like after 12 days of torture? Picture please.
Was no problem with the butt at all. Maybe at the last day I felt it bad but only after arriving.
You must have a nice saddle then, if I spend a few hours on my saddle it hurts like crazy.
I think it depends on your clothes as well. For me, I used a swimming trunk. Sounds funny but the material it made of really good for cycling.
Or a trained ass.
That's also a possibility, I got a really fat ass. Kim Kardashian-style.
google Kim Kardashian bikini.
image: Kim-Kardashian-bikini-ass

i understand :D
porns with blacks are disgusting , thats why i dont want to watch this porn...its just ahrgh
Kim Kardashian, doh
great job mate...
pix or never happend:D

congrats ofc!:)
Awesome mate congratulations!
Congrats, and glad you made it back in 1 piece :D Looking forward to seeing some pics :PP Maybe you should travel east next time!
thumbs up dude
u want pocal?
id skip germany too
Good job :)

someone made a journal about ya :DD

and wb :D

good job!
awesome :X
nice one :)
Hope you had a nice trip man, something i'm gutted isn't as easy to to do because im not in mainland europe.

I didn't realise you were doing it on a stock bike w/o real pro. forks though! :(
Congrats Nonix, glad you had a blast doing it. I wish I had the motivation to do the same type of thing, but instead hiking here on the Appalachian mountains. My dad's done the entire thing and I kind of want to as well.
Alive!:D wp
hope you dindt burn too much muscle tissue
nah was playing kane and lynch 2, since xfire has new owners they stopped updating games, im only gonna launch it while playing et/etqw ^^ NO WORRIES MATE IM NOT STYLIN ON YOU. dinner time
kane and lynch 2 any good?
yes its pretty good, just need to get used to censorship effect that is all over your screen (its the part that sux).
also there is one nice stage when you run through the china naked shooting swat etc.
good job nonix !
well done nonix
what were those reasons u had to skip
out of money + navigation problems (i had no gps)
congrats :D
well done, congratz :)
no crazy stories?
well done.
awww kimi <33 miss u man!
u know me just from cybergames and i told u there i am not that kimi :D
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