life is unfair

discuss :S

ps. at the left u can see a list, just press on one of them (fotomodels, actors, etc)
not deserved, just like all the footabll players
hmm you dont seem to know the hard work that comes with football...

(not worth what most of them earn tho, but believe me, football players work hard)
making your hobby into a job, i would do it for 10 times as less as them
well, me too, but still;)
football players work hard?! u must be kidding
this doesnt even justify 10% of their salary
You forgot that most of them HAVE to retire at age 40 or so MAX, most retire earlier..
It's not unfair, they spent years working, gaining a reputation and put a lot of effort into making that whack. Mostly! :PP
belgian king gets 42k every day
belgian prince gets 4k every day

?? working hard ??
Their ancestors must have done something right for them to get into royalty :PPPPp
I personally don't really care much about money, I'm happy with little to no income, what I want I will get though (by means of work etc) but some people do get too much for what they do e.g. what people say about football stars earning a lot more than doctors etc :P!
u kidding me? royality is the biggest bs ever, those fuckers shud be murdered
i like royalty because king has castles xD and i once visit big castle and it is very very cool
They can't do anything stupid without the whole country knowing about it. Even tho they really should get this much money, it's a job i would never take.
another JB hater?
no idea
Justin Bieber.
* Jaar: €,00
* Maand: € 1.176.844.784,00
* Week: € 282.442.748,00
* Dag: € 56.488.550,00
Can buy everday a new gaming pc
Shame they didn't add Bill Gates, he'd probably have about most
They are doin their job good, ofc they get payed a shit load, they deserve it..
If u wanna earn so much money u should be as good as them ;D
im also working very good at the supermarket
thats my point, u work at the supermarket, they make movies n shit,
u affect ur supermarket, they affect the world

U know why they get this pay? cuz of fanboys liks u, and belive me this guys dont do shit during whole year. they just sit and see it comming

do u think is any hard doing movies and such? my dad has a tv program himself and is the easiest shit to do
well if they didnt do smthing that matters, why would they get payed so much?
because of media, whatever they do sells liek shit because they are famous, whatever they touch becoems gold. Even if megan fox does a fail movie like she did that just boosts her, this ppl falls in drugs because they dont have to fight for anything tehy just got anything tehy want

If ud have one of brad pit socks and u sell it ud get shitloads then ud say: is cuz i worked very hard.
they are famous, yes.
how did they become famous?
becuz they did their job..
because of connections fuck sake, you just go to an audition or so and u get picked, u think is a hard job to do a movie? no it is not. My dad earns twice wheneer he gets to do TV and he does nothing at all he just laughs at how easy is
does he get payed as much as them?
he doesnt do movies, hes been in two as a random, he got about 2000 euros out of a week of work.

Look mate u are just retarded;P ill just leave it
if some1 is good at something they get payed alot,
perfectly fair imo

And I was just about to say the same about u ;D
So i'll also just leave it ^^
wow u dont fuckign get it do u:DDD??

My dad was not even an actor u retard and he got paid shitloads for NOTHING.

You know that real dificult jobs that need YEARS of studying and not many ppl does it because of its dificulty get paid 3000 a month, if u are lucky.

in a movie just because an actor is wearing a certain watch theyll get such income that u wundt be able to do by working in a job tahts important for real, even if u work 25 years (movies are not important at all, wud it be fun to watch your movie without a chair? or prehaps without a tv?)

anwyay u dont know shit about that world
this ppl didnt have to work any hard at all.

in life is all about contacts. my dad did nothing yet he got paid a lot for doing nothing in a movie, why u think he was able to do that? cuz he is good?:DDDD CONTACTS
please say that you dont think so seriously, cause if you do i feel sorry for you
but perhaps as you grow older your opinion hopefully will change
ahahahahahahah seriously dude:DDDD

noone of those wud last in some hard job (not syaing i wud)

they get this high pay because ppl is retarded
its true :< he get everything for free
they fuck kids, those dont need to get paid
cuz its a shit country
Yea man those fuckers love childs
my dad is a policeman
my dad is police to..he is name kevin...your dad know him? xD
check inbox i send pm :D
i dont kno, he is secret police and not talk about work.
but he kicks everyone ass

flanders pride !!!!

vlaanderen in hart en ziel :D
not all :D but still ;)
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