Strange prob.

Prob. is about my sound..
It is all fine until i start ET , when i start ET then i can play like 5 mins with sounds , after that its all gone , ingame , outgame , dont hear anything..
Ive tried to reinstall sound drivers , rebooted 91080291 times and so on..
What should i try next .. system restore? reinstall ET? , dont want to do format but if its needed then yea .
format c:?
i think u shouldnt download so much porn cos this looks like a spyware or something :P
Anything for your ET, huh ?
try rebooting it 1 more time, i think 91080292 is a fine number
on board or seperate card?
on board.
hmm options :

have you installed something new recently that could be conflicting?

have you ran a spyware scan?

maybe flash the bios as it could be corrupt!

do a repair install of xp (pm for instructions if reqd)

other than that no idea :D
had that too on onboard mobo, after a while my pc wasnt working anymore cause mobo died
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