Medics, gays and pubs

Once a week I startup ET and join AnonymousTelenet for some good old fashioned Anonymouspub pwnage. But somehow it seems like i'm surrounded by Anonymousghey people.

First you got the all out Anonymousdefensive medics. So whenever you die as a fops, medics come rushing in from all sides reviving me instead of finishing the heavily wounded opponent wich just (lotto ofc) killed me. (NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I HAVE TO REVIVE, dont think! just revive!)

Then we have ze Anonymousrambos, never reviving but retreating whenever they get hit. (they usualy gather with 2-3 at westside of sd)

OK. Lets play grush as an axis. Half the team starts the game at second spawn, because ET wouldnt be phun without some good old fashiond doggy style backraping.

Never mind, lets play adlernest. Never ever expect backup. Half your team is probably hiding on some mysterious spot on the map hoping for the next 1337 Anonymousbackrape (s)kill. Its so fucking ghey when a full axis spawn just doesnt have the balls to push toward the docs, cause wtf you might get Anonymouskilled!!! (very serious problem when you have 7 medics on your team)



if you expect help from teammates, don't play public...
You want to be a nC? :>
well, you dont code them yourself, so why do you think you are one
U have to tell me what u mean with "them" sry :>
image: b55a81fbdad11edb505587800fda We need this as flag! and it would fit great in ur story.
wtf happend with flag? i posted it on flag forum and now its gone ...
What do we learn: Don't play public ;)
But publics learned me how to medpackwhore, backrape, lean and how to safe my own ass no matter the costs :'(
The Immortals - Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat)
Funny but sadly true :)
Nice use of random flags but I'm missing the random pic so I'll just give a useless comment: Hi2u.
haha nice read 8---D
welcome to ET!

the only thing that annoys me is that you don't speak about Anonymous spam :-P
oasis xD

DONT EVER BUILD THE WATERPUMPS! constructing is for noobs and because ET is all aim you WILL get trough two narrow chokepoints wich get spammed 24/7.
nice i totally agree! pubs are the suckage.

only noob ones got some teamplay, but yeah its not that funny to play overthere!
Telenet just has to many slots imo 16 would be perfect
Like BiO or efterlyst

And your story is true and i agree
18 people on one server is way to much indeed
Play rtcw pub(one of the 2 semi-active ones left) if you want gatherlike/mix atmosphere. ET pubs are not for that :-)
I'm really missing a public for gather style ;(
great journal over :D
use noaimspread.
aimspread sucks balls

It should be removed, unless you want everybody to aim like mystic.
welcome to et
I play rifle always and whine on teamchat to the medics on my team always for not picking me up :(
Quote(NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I HAVE TO REVIVE, dont think! just revive!)
just put some music on put behind ur name .mp3 and select medic and go rambo:)
Good points tho you missed some imo like:

1. "Lets-kick-those-who-do-objective" -retards.
2. KillerPL's who seem to strafe @ warpspeed.
3. KillerPL's with heatseaking bullets.

Anyway, like Clown said if you want some degree of 'team-play' join up some rtcw pub cause you sure won't find it in ET.
so play on noob pubs where is normally playing obj and like 20 maps campaing and hunt general ftw!! 8)
I prefer dying from other causes then panzerfaust noob. Besides noob publics arent fun. You always get kicked for cheating, spawnkilling or selfkilling @ spawntime.
et-center's usually good for people doing obj.
Depends on the map imo, something like beer run and you have allies queing to camp axis spawn :-D
Because it's a shit map ^^
I love beer run xD
Most people dont understand that playing public with objective is actualy more rewarding then just fraghunting. Objective learns you how to play the game, not fraghunting or leaning walls. Besides obj = fun. About 50% of all monsterkills in fragmovies is the opponent team losing control and desperatly trying to save objective or something.

obj = phun
stop using "learns" incorrectly ;x

you mean it taught you, or it teachers you
oops, that hurts. prolly wont forget this for the rest of my life :D

So F to the zen, is it

Ik noem Bart
Ik heet Bart

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