
My steelseries siberia casually stopped working so i'm in need of a new headset.

I'm not really upto date on what the decent ones are atm and im not looking for anything too fancy or expensive. It just needs to have good sound and be comfy to use. I'd say £70 is the maximum i'd want to pay, but preferably cheaper if possible!

Doesn't need to have a mic or anything, if that helps.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Dave gay.
hd215's might be good, never used them mind, http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3385844/Sennheiser-HD-215-Headphones/Product.html

what i would recommend though (so long as you don't mind open cans) is spending a little more £ (i think you can get them for like £55-£60) and getting something like the audio technica ad300. ridiculously more comfy and more durable than most of the single plastic strap a lot of headphones in that range have. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/audiotechnica-athad300-open-back-hifi-headphones-prodid-212.html

can't say i'm too experienced with the kind of budget youre on though, if you find something that looks appealing i'd look it up on http://www.head-fi.org/ first, probably the best place to find information/recommendations on headphones
maybe for u
any sennheiser for your budget is the best pick
sennheiser hd428
steelseries h3 cheap but gd
sennheiser pc151.

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