Inception yo

Gonna watch that movie today:P

Have u seen it?

What u think abaut it?

Its nice :)
image: normal_733971820

Was a good movie, though not great. Imdb rate 9,1 pff, more like 7,5.
dvdrip out yet?
go to the theater u pirate fag ! :D
Dunno, saw it on theatre.
best movie this year, as good as shutter island, saw it yesterday :)
Shutter Island was such a dissapointment, trying to be clever but it was so obvious. Then I waited for some cunning twist, but it never came.
Sorry but i clearly think you dont understand the movie at all
he probably doesn't understand any of the movies he watches
50% didnt understood this movie, watch again last 30 seconds of the movie dickhead fucking mongol
one of the bests movies i have ever seen...a masterpiece by a master
i liked it alot.. you really need to see it in the cinema, to enjoy the movie at its fullest XD
best movie since a while
best movie in 2010 so far
was there yesterday :s
watched it yesterday , it's a nice movie , but it's shit if you don't get it :PPPP
it was ok
awesome movie
it's ok, it's definitely not as good as many are saying
tastes differ
i think it was awesome
I think I can call it awesome. And definitely worth going to a theatre. But because of something in the movie (I can't really describe what it is), Inception is a whole class lower than the best movies of all times.
very nice movie!
Was pretty awesome watched it last month for £1 in Malaysia cant complain at that price.
they showed you a pirated copy obviously :D
Most likely but was good quality and in a proper cinema, even had Malay & Mandarin subtitles for the locals, was quite a few films out already over there.
8,5/10 is deserved raiting imo, 9.x is overrated
8.5 is rounded up to 9!
u should not round! :)
to bad you can't grade x.5's. Normally i've to choose if its more like a 8 or 9, picked a 9 for inception :)
i think 8 is not much enough, but 9 is too much for it, so 8,5 is the most appropriate raiting
if they wanted you to put 8,5, they would make the scale up to 20 so that you could put 17.
its just my own raiting .)
Pretty nice movie!
nice movie but watch SALT with angelina jolie is even nice as well :)
everyone said its awesome but in fact its far from that.
the story is ruined by cheap action parts (all this shooting doesnt make any sense whatsoever) which are all stolen from james bond movies.
the plot is also ruined by the love story that is supoosed to be the key to all this but if the protagonist got over his freaking problems before going to sleep the movie plot would be done for in like 2mins.
also during the film they constantly make up/mention new stuff about extractions so you cant really wrap you head around the idea of it cause they will change the "rules" every 2 mins.

--> download dont waste ur money. if ur going to the cinema watch salt instead at least this movie was intended to be an action movie and not an "alternmative reality" movie that is trying hard to be action loaded.
shut it braindead, we already got it you didn't understood it, therefore you didn't like it at all (and somehow i'm not really surprised)
there is nothing to be understood about it....
i have bad news for you
google some discussions and explanations (attempts?) for the movie and youll think "ye well they kinda said that, whats new?". if you didnt understand it i got abd news for you
So anyone who didn't like it just didn't get it? Get a grip, it isn't that complicated and it isn't that good
its complicated more than 99% movies, u just tryin to be original.

1% = donnie darko and ghost in the shell
and its fact that lots of ppl didnt get incepction cause it has to be seen twice to fully understand and appreciate it
I've seen it twice, second time was even worse than the first time. Shit movie is shit.
best movie ever (imo) , seen it twice in the cinema :>
overrated, but it's not bad :)
Best new movie in ages, one of the best ever
Yks parhaimpia elokuvia mitä oon nähny. Suosittelen lämpimästi =)
I think due to the lack of decent big commercial movies for the last year or two it is very hyped, but I enjoyed it and most people think stuff went down a different way.
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