Old Books Vs. New Books

In some way e-books sales growing up very quickly for many reasons including cost and space stockage ,in other hand if we intend to replace the old real books with new electronic one thousands of jobs will be lost in the printing industry.

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care about books
e-books suck.
I don't see me ever reading an e-book on an e-reader.

I NEED to feel the book in my hands if I read, and using an e-reader is so nerdy :D
the concept of e-books and e-readers are a good example of everything that is terrible with modern society
no thx, i doubt that i'll ever read an e-book
i agree, ebooks are just senseless.
why would i want to stare at another screen when i do it the whole day anyway
reading an e-book is like fucking a rubberwoman
manga > *
How easy is it to read a book on an e-reader?
Some e-readers are pretty good, the ipad is a good example and even the iphone is much better than expected.
afaik, kindle is the best one around (didn't test it yet :( )
Yea, I'm yet to try a kindle as well. They were pretty much US only for a long time.
e-books are free, but i hate reading on my pc, so no thanks
u all can read ??? unexpected !!!

jeah i prefer the real ( material ) ones too
ebooks = headache for sure
Kindle is cool because it reads just like paper, doesn't strain your eyes, but makes you look like a turbo nerd.
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