ET-Xreal roadmap

I don't know how many people knew about this, but we can actually follow the progress of ET-Xreal rather closely

For coders and such, there is also a svn link so you can check it out closer.

new xrealvid with dust2 and doom 3 !
Yeah it's ugly but mainly because the textures are awful & don't fit together at all.
Of what exactly? Even if the renderer is finished he'd still need a map with new textures and shizzlez
Read what I wrote again? :3
does the svn compile? tempted to check it out
I think it does yeah.
who dat shit?
what is ET-xreal?
It's the project in wich the render of ET gets replaced with the XreaL-render.

The XreaL-render has many benefits, like better graphics and it uses graphics card rather than CPU for most of the rendering.

So basically, on most modern systems it's a 'better graphics with better performance' kinda thingy.
because of the release of the etsourcecode someone is developing some gfx for et

-> ET with all the same old stuff ( gameplay, engine etc wont be changed ) but with new grafics :> (fps will be better because you can use dualcore or something like that ...dnno )
create et-xreal folder and create folder called etmain and move mp_bin.pk3 and ___pak.pk3 to etmain folder and copy pak0.pk3 to etmain from real ET
and start ET-xreal.exe...
create local host test server disble pure with sv_pure 0
game have so much missing textures right now ... :D
image: xreal-2010-08-19-18371qmnl
screenie :P
hf&gl with testing
more pics!

im at school so can't try myself
me too :(
looks like the normal ET?
Of course, since the textures haven't changed at all. Without a texture & model update you can only expect some of the effects(ligts, explosions, etc.) to become more beautiful and fps increase because of the gpu rendering & possible support for multiple cpu cores (not sure of the last one).

To put it briefly, we need texture artists and modellers. Already, many retextures of the original maps exist so I don't think it's that big of a problem. Won't be long until someone whips up high-res textures for xreal-et. The models, though, might be a bit harder to come by.
hardest part is yet to come
any planned release date?
I did a litle timedemo.. well, i don't have much fps to be honest.. ok i was using hdr,bloom n stuff.. but still.. 64 fps at radar r_mode 6 with max AA/AF... i usually have 125...

But it is using my 4 cores according to windows task manager! and doesn't use much cpu (around 15% cpu and 400mb ram)
iz it better for movies? :D
fuu :D thats what i was trying to figure out.. right now it is a bit useless because there is ALOT of missing textures, and lights! I saw some cool features but to be honest with magic bullet i can get better effects :| but if they implement volumetric shadows and normal mapping, that would be a great thing!

I don't really know what to think about.. sometimes the hdr/bloom gave me the feeling that this is not the et i am used to xD
that's what i've thought too. without offense, i think this project is quite overrated and useless. a completely new commercial game would make better success.
yes and no..i think it has GREAT potencial.... if he could merge what he is doing with etpro source code (with some fixs) + some anti cheat code embedded (slac?), remove pb from game, add some moviemaking stuff (like motion blur etc), re-do all maps / models... it would be great.. some kind of improved ET :P
maybe if it's gonna get into ubuntu repositories for super-easy setup like openarena, then it could reach a much larger audience.
It isn't finished yet :P
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