What ?

wtf is "SLAC" ?

image: butchji
oh goshy gosh
didnt play et for 5 months
u also didn't use ur brain during this time ?
need <slac_on_poland_disappear.jpg>
Needs an updated pic with some other sunken countries :(
Which ones?
:D Was those lil yellow bits intentional or bad photoshop?
Shh, it's nearly 7AM...just think of it as a bit of both. XD
It's something people will cut you some.
currently it is nothing.
might become an anticheat soon but they decided to release it and then not do anything about it including not releasing a single bust...

no need to download until its actually worth a dime.
isn't it necessary to play offi's on CB ladders?
just stealing this thing from above
image: blbci3rbkvfjmlhck

so yes i guess it is. but he didnt play ET in 5months and he doesnt have a team (otbherwise they would have explained slac i take it). and as a public/scrim player you dont need chapljas backdoor.
This journal makes me wanna hack.
SPEED LINK Anti Cheat program made by the ex cheat coder chapja sponsored by SPEED LINK multi-gaming\corporation(?)
slac stole my virginity
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