Virus fucks Keyboard

Sup folks?

Noticed that my wireless Logitech Canada 210 stopped working for some reason. Since I've been downloading suspicious programs (other than SLAC! :D) I've thought of running a virus check and I've found some minor infections that I've deleted immediately along with restoring my MBR. However, the keyboard still doesn't react.

When I try to connect it with the USB unit to the computer, it flashes up for a quick moment and it looks like the connection's established. However, only the special buttons on the Canada 210 (such as Open E-Mail Prog or Enter Sleep Mode) still work.

The keyboard + receiver work fine as this very journal is typed with the keyboard that has the issue on another comp. I've restored my MBR and rebooted, right now the code is clean so I'm re-scanning without the virus in the boot record, but I don't think that will fix the issue.
Did anyone of you have the problem already? Can you help me fix it?

inb4, I won't format c:! :)

image: 76
fucks? does the virus prefer vaginal or anal sex?
No idea, but I think it looks at you in a strange, gloomy way.
system restore back to when it was ok!
Trying that now, but my hopes ain't high

e: Virus rejected all my restore points D:
SLAC, taking over keyboards since 2k10
troll this is a image: chick
First, you'd kind of have to learn to set image tags before you attempt to style on other people.
fixed it way before you commented!
:D I was busy raging at the virus mate
btw try restoring ur pc couple of days back :>
Virus fucked all restore points including some I made just yesterday. I think it's nymphomanic or something like that.
try safe mode and then restore
Will do so after this scan with clean MBR is done. Thanks.
if its a bad virus then it can disable system restore if so trye and do it in safe mode

GL from


didnt read, LOL
could also be the USB connection. for help!
load another virus and hope that they kill each other
good luck man!
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