shit background rest is only "good" :(.
well I didn't just want to copy the original, therefore I just had a look at the original a couple of times before I began making the "ET-version". so what you see here is more or less what I remembered from it.

besides, it would take A LOT effort to make the background look nice. I wanted it to look a bit "oily" if you know what I mean, but my PS skills aren't that good unforunatelly...
I think you did a good job with the background. It's a comic and therefore not even meant to look the same as the original.
wtf ? : /
nice comic 8D
looooooool wtf :DD
Funnier if you didn't explain the joke.

usually I'd agree with you, but look what got to my attention: check the comments below. some guys really didn't get it :/
Where's the 2 boats?
Remove the unnecessary explanation
Good. It is now awesome.

usually I'd agree with you, but look what got to my attention: check the comments below. some guys really didn't get it :/
Oh, well. Everyone with an IQ higher than their shoesize knows The Scream, only retarded idiots won't get it. And that serves them just right.
im a dumbass and i dont get it.
I knew I shouldn't have removed the explanation ;P
Haha awesome :D
really nice "the scream" :)
i dont see it, whats the funny part?
Guy pissing at background
are you bullshitting me?
ok cuz I thought you were being sarcastic.

however, have a look at the comments below. the inspiration is taken from the famous painting "Edward Munch - The scream".

you don't need to laugh your balls off but others seem to have liked it.
ye i see what you did there, just dont think its funny sorry :)
I cant entertain 100% but it seems that very many people here enjoyed it.

honestly, without being arrogant, that was basic knowledge :/
could be, im sure you dont know everything about 'basic' knowledge aswell :)
haha awesome :D
For the ppl who dont get it ^^

image: vo62692,1273794223,der_schrei

n1 again tites^^
Is this a remake of Tites Pic?

Looks better than his one xD
hope ur kidding :D

p.s: n1 tites <3
nice :D.. and those who didn't get it.. go to school :p
long time no see
i won't be around for too long. university starts in 2 weeks!
for me it starts next monday again, but that doesn't stop me from doing other stuff :)
dont understand shit

nah you just didnt pay attention att arts class :)
need comic about kamz/baggiez/scatman/Loekino
A rifler with baby riflers following :)
haha ;)) not anyone needs to know about my life :D

was thinkin like a rifle player with scatman face saying BIBABABADABO ^^
hahaha that could work out aswell
so tites got new inspriration ^^
after he will draw my tattoo
QuoteA rifler with baby riflers following :)

Quotehaha ;)) not anyone needs to know about my life :D

Hab daraus einfach mal geschlossen, dass Nachwuchs geworfen wurde und wollte mal ein bisschen Eierkuchen auf diese trostlose Seite bringen und zur Abwechslung mal freundlich sein.
das ist völlig überraschend das einer nett zumir ist der ich nicht in meiner buddylist ist. Nächsten monat sinds dann schon 2 jahre , wie schnell die zeit vergeht ;)

Hast aber recht :-)
Dann halt Congratz nachträglich :) Und halt die Rotzlöffel bloß an der kurzen Leine.
Zucht und Ordnung.
Manch einer sagt ich bin ein netter genosse(Wenn man mich besser kennt).Nun ich muss OFF darf morgen in die Kaserne und ein paar "funker" durch den Wald jagen *freu*. Danke für diese positive Überraschung.
Ha reudiger Bundi!
Man tut was man kann für Deutschland *haha*
ok I'll think about it :)
schon die 2. inspiration von mir :-p
diese idee war aber leichter umzusetzen ;)
ist auch wieder prächtig gelungen :-)
achso das meinte ich eigentlich garnicht. ich meine dass jetzt dein 2. vorschlag eine überlegung wert sein könnte, sprich mit dem "BIBABABADABO". wer weiss... ;)

aber trotzdem thx
haha ok , das wäre echt lustig ^^ gn8 muss nu off
over 9k recruitment posts :D
well I have a idea how I could implement all those at once. but I will get massive flame for it I think...
ok, then just do sth about me :D:D:
no offense and no disrespect but the only thing I know about you is that you spam on cf
:D you don't play much ET do you?
1. Fakenick and pretend a two-year-old account makes you oldskool
2. Get angry if people don't recognize you
3. ???
4. Profit!!!
I havent played for around 3 month now but before I did quite actively. Im trying to figure out who you play for. in your profile i see #belgien.fraternity but you are polish so it cant be that.

well then tell me so that I know.
-manager of bF
-best odc admin out there xD
-#2 retard of year 2009 (lost with alexL)
-lowest rifle ever (since Polandphase went inactive)
-possibly the ugliest dude on crossfire :D

and many more :x
I didn't know you were Robaciek but yes ofc I know :)

that explains everything
wtf tites draw my tattoo :DD:
n1 as always ;)

now do our cb banner :D
idd, I didnt know it either !
What really stymied Einstein was something far tougher than the doctrine of creation. It was the problem of evil and suffering. He knew there had to be a designer. He agonized over the character of that designer. How could God be good, and yet allow terrible things to happen to people? Einstein couldn't resolve the problem of evil and suffering with a good God, and so he turned completely away from the God of the Bible, the God he had been raised in Judaism to believe in. What really tripped up Einstein was that he was a determinist; that is, he viewed human beings as complicated machines. He saw them doing simply what they were programmed to do by natural, irresistible forces. In fact, Einstein concluded that human beings were like "wind-up toys." You wind them up, and they do what they're manufactured to do. "If that is so," he concluded, "... there can be no such thing as morality. There can be no such thing as right or wrong. There can be no such thing as sin. There can be no such thing as guilt. If a person's actions are determined, if he is just a wind-up toy wound up by a cosmic mind to do what it was designed for him to do, then he cannot be responsible for what he does before God. "He," said Einstein, "is no more responsible for what he does than a stone is responsible for where it goes when someone throws it." Who is responsible? Well, "God has to be responsible," Einstein concluded. "But if God is responsible, then he cannot be a good God, or he's responsible for evil. And if God is responsible, the God of Judaism or the God of Christianity, then he makes us do bad things, as well as good. "And if," Einstein said, "God was like this, he would be constantly passing judgment on himself as evil."

Well, he couldn't accept that; could not accept that God could be both good and evil. And so he determined that there was no personal God at all. And he rejected the God of Judaism, and he rejected the God of Christianity, rejected the God of the Bible. And he concluded that God exists as an impersonal cosmic mind; simply a rational force that gave the world its rational structure. Those of you who have studied philosophy would conclude that he believed in Spinoza's god. And Einstein's premise that human beings were just robots was based upon the fact that an impersonal, rational mind created those robots. But he could not be a personal God with any personal nature. Einstein was wrong. And as I told you a few weeks ago when I was talking about Einstein in another context, he never got it. He didn't even come to the place where he fully understood God as the force in creation. That's why he was never satisfied, and died never having really identified the true power in the universe. But Einstein was wrong about God. God is a personal God. And God is not responsible for evil. And the problem with Einstein is he wouldn't believe his own scriptures, the scriptures of Judaism.

awesome tites <3
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