Probs with ET on win7

Hoi crossies,

I've decided to play some ET again and I have a problem with it. When I'm running et with SLAC something strange is happening I mean it's like desktop is appearing all the time and It's very hard to click somewhere with that...

Don't have this problem when I'm running ET without SLAC.

Soz for english, but it's hard to explain. I heard that someone had this problem before but the person who told me about it don't remember anything :(.


polak with slac problem again? this shit is getting annoying
my SLAC is strange too, when i restart my pc the SLAC shortcut is moved to another place on my desktop, and this happends every time i restart my pc... SLAC IS A LIVE!
its chaplja fucking up your computer
i fyou search on zhe internetz you will found the solution
lol SLAC doenst work anyway, played with hacks several times, didnt get banned..
i see what you did there
I get that sometimes too but when I reboot it works again perfectly :)

Dont know any reason for this problem

That actually works ;-) Thanks dude <3
It'll appear again if u dont unblock the windows blocker imo

e: or it can be SLAC icon xD
np , just a simple suggestion that works for me! ;)
tam na dole w pasku obok ET masz blokade windosowska;) zminimalizuj ALT+TAB i daj 'okejke';)
Maximize your firefox/browser :-)
google disable uac windows 7
nice background
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