A Troll Community

image: troll

After reading the article about "I.D.I.O.T.S" I though about leaving apart my troll side for a second and write something serious for a moment.
I must say I found this article as interesting as useless (sadly).

I have read this site for years now and joined some time ago just to search for some players in a dying Spanish scene. My first topics were serious, I tried to reply politely to most things or just leave my opinion about this game and the things that were being changed... or better forced.. but thats a different story.

After some time and looking at my own comments, I just surrender and realised I was just another troll in this community, insulting players that I don't know or flaming guys for no real reason but hey thats what I got myself from players that didn't know me at all.

Everyone here gets flamed, everyone. You will get flame if you are unknown or known, if you are 14 years old or 35.
If your account is recent you will be remembered each time you post as if you are a busted player or an ex cheater with his new account.
You get flame for searching team and you get flame if you try to speak serious about anything.

If you ask me, the problem is sometimes just the "age" and from this base comes the rest.
About crossfire and reading Killerboy's comments in the "I.D.I.O.T.S" articles I must agree, journals have become more than pathetics, I see journals of players asking a mate to join ventrilo, posting a 2 year old yotube video, a photo of a german player being called nazi, a 3 line journal telling everyone to fuck off or a journal insulting and entire country, racism etc.

There's no real control over any of this, we get reposts daily of players searching team again and again and cheaters are subject apart... same lack of control for them.

Even Gandhi will become a "troll" in this jungle of nonsense comments and flame.
This is not a defense to all the trolls in this community just a reflexion saying I prefer to act as a troll than to take serious anything in this website and realise the lack of content and interesting things crossfire has to offer to anyone with a minimum brain and education in my opinion due to the lack of control and decent admins.

Have a nice day

image: 20fatdg
crossfire is like a playground and if you take away all the trolling it would be like a playground without attractions -> a grassfield

and tbh i just visit crossfire to have fun on the slide
exactly, you have to take this site with sense of humour.
the problem is that some people dont know how to slide and jump down the slidetower :(

for example majesty...

he must have been fallen on his head
Oh the jealousy, we can't all be as clever as I am.
Warning Level: 15 / 100

Not so clever
I've got many fans, I know.

It's from my friend Baggiez, we share a hate/love relationship.
Hi, Remember me from BiO? NOW THATS FUNNY!
All you need is troll, troll. Troll is all you need.

image: trollface_tiny
Member For: 11 months and 3 days
3 years, 3 months and 27 days
3 years, 4 months and 9 days
tek9 and cadred can't troll like us , There troll is like child friendly shit from 14 year old but crossfire is like man trolling!
Same goes for 4chan bullcrap, we are the pro's. :XD
ye you must be gay really why write in italics?
You wished I was, don't you?

You shy homosexual!

No I'am open with my homosexuality really ask my people that know Me
are you suggesting a troll war :S
It's already on!
This guy is faker in spanish crew....DO NOT LISTEN on him at all....he is not together with spanish crew
EDIT: he also nerd
your nick says all amigo
you got trolled lol. u are just too dumb to realize, or shud i say TOO SPANISH ??
gtfo of my internet
gtfo with the catalan flag and the spanish flag
how is your new account troll?
its allright chilling n stuff, also pissing u off
thx for warn mate xD, i almost fell for it eheh :) u alwasy so aware xD
I do actually enjoy the trolls and fun part of crossfire at times. Without that stuff cf would probably dead already.

but at least people should show some creativity, posting troll faces all over the place for weeks like our friend Mr. Majesty does, it's plain boring and I can't believe he obviously still thinks its funny. *yawn*
It was never meant to be funny!

image: giraffe
You got fanclub? I'd like to join
I see you're part of the LOEKINOGAYSHIT.

Resign and maybe you'll be my bitch in the near future!
actually I think that with the boring bs you post you would perfectly match to them :]
1st. WRONG!
2nd. Try clicking on my trollfaces next time!
3rd. Atleast I don't suck a Polish dick!
Noes :--( Loekino's love island is nice place to live imo
Then there's nothing left for me to say!
You are mean..
yeah, there are funny trolls that keep the site alive, others like the guy you mention are not funny at all.
Dear god. What?

So there are "funny trolls" that keep the site alive and bad trolls that destroy the site.
Right. It all starts to make sense now.
yes, there are funny trolls like alexl that make people laugh and stupid trolls like majesty that are boring, need more explanation sir?
No, not really.

I don't generally find these "trolls" funny, and I'd never consider them as contributors in any way. What keeps this site alive is the game that we all enjoy and the admins that put down a hard work to maintain the nice atmosphere that still breezes by here every now and then.

I can't be bothered to elaborate further as I find this topic pointless, people won't change. It's the internet, people can hide behind their computer screens and get the satisfaction to get back at people whom they don't know online after perhaps having a rough day, or they're just looking for the attention their mom didn't give them during their childhood. Etcetera.

We're human, most of us are idiots and will forever be.
maybe a new admin? just a idea
Admins are removing kinda fine amount of content already and I think it's good there is action on the site (useless journals) that keep the site better alive (as long as it's not offending content, who cares if it's useless).
Personally I don't get flamed basically ever and if I do I'm always ready for a verbal fight, what could be better :)
Quote I'm always ready for a verbal fight

Defix sucks!

well, we haven't really played much in a long time so most probably we do suck :D
but well, I'm actually kinda astonished that somebody still remembers defix because most of the time when we play nowadays ppl are like "who are you neverheard xiitor!??!?"
Well I was kidding around, of course I remember Defix, times when you guys were almost unstoppable in 3on3.
I know you were just teasing me but I replied how I would have in a verbal fight :)
I don't see the reason why people complain about "getting flamed at" in the Internet. It's weird to me, since all my e-life I've been flamed at. It's completely normal. You shouldn't take it personally. The relative anonymity of Internet users is what enables it, and it is here to stay.

I don't know where you have been lurking, but I've been an active member of a few other communities than Crossfire, and some even much smaller than the so-dubbed /cf/. The thing is, no matter how low you go in population of an Internet community, trolls and flame will always find their way in. That's why you don't take stuff seriously. At least not stuff that you can immediately disregard as utter bullshit. Such stuff is the content the "trolls" are posting in Crossfire.

So with all the flaming and trolling aside, what is there to Crossfire? Lot's of good stuff, in my opinion. We have active news-writers that provide us coverage of big competitions, we have community members who are eager to post little bits of news about the game every now and then, such as the recent announcement of the ET-Xreal project. We have a sort of a technical support forum; almost every day you see people asking about configs or problems with ET and almost every day you see someone helping them with their issue.

Why care about the flame and trolling, if the site does what it's designed for? It's "A Gaming Community", it's an "All Things Enemy Territory" -site. If those descriptions involve a little bit of trolling and flaming, so be it. I don't find it agitating at all. Some of it is amusing, some of it is useless. It's still part of the site.
the day something related to a game affects my real life is the day I will stop playing, there's good stuff most of the times ruined by trolls so we can't really take it seriously, If I tried to read this site as you do ill end up mad trying to get out something interesting out of it.

For me is just a freak circus for trolls and sometimes I feel sorry for the guys that really put effort in to this.
Err... Did you really want to reply to me? I can't see anything in your post that relates to mine.
yeah that was for you, from the general idea I got after reading your comment.
I suggest you read up on what troll means. :-E
I suggest you get a better camera for next profile pic :D
to come to the point:

no admin control --> people complain

a lot admin control --> people complain

unfortunatelly, it's almost impossible to find something inbetween
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