image: 24082010483

They look for a vessel in distress, and when they finally find one, the father says to the son, "I'm going to teach you how to catch your first human. First, you raise your dorsal fin slightly out of the water. Second, you raise all of your fins out of the water, and start circling around them. Finally, you go in and eat them."

The father and son swim over to the vessel, and the son executes the meal with ease. The father is impressed with his son, and commends him on his excellent performance. But the son is troubled and asks, "Why do we raise our fins out of the water and circle around them? Wouldn't it just be easier to go in and eat them?"

The father replies, "They taste better without shit in them."
Coffee and a stroopwafel
im eating sandwiches
sumthin similar
sammiches with salami/chicken-provencal
I forgot to take a picture :[

but I had fantastic pork with red curry and vegetables + rice
what difference does it make, in stomach its all the same puke hehe
image: cute-little-cat

i eat pussy
Bacon + patatoes + spinach

win win
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