any ramadan peepz?

any muslims here having it? i imagine its gotta be shit.

soon ill be eating an insanely large piece of steak with some nice chimichurri sauce made from finely chopped onion, herbs, garlic, ginger, vinegarette and a little olive oil
image: chimichurri1
image: 72ozSteaklarger

sucks to be you
Haha klootzak :D
looks fucking disgusting
Would you reject a supermodel because you don't like her personality?
a supermodel looks great, your food doesn't
it doesnt mean that the taste of the food is bad, if it looks bad :)
woo! youre back! hows your health?
much better mate :), still at the hospital laying on the bed hehe sorry for not informing you about this, but i guess my bro made a journal or something cause i got alot of messeges
yep there was a journal :) at the start i was like wtf! and after 2-3 days i knew smth bad had to happen :/ good that youre alive!
thanks mate :)<3
you don't taste food with your eyes.
its simply delicious, a feast for the taste buds if you may
I'm still not gonna eat smth that looks disgusting
never had steak chimichurri?

i didn't take a picture of mine, since i haven't made it yet.
but it doesn't look bad and it tastes great.
I don't fill my steak, or it has to be cordon bleu
its a meat sauce... I'm not going to fill my meat with sauce ;/
i have never heard of anyone that does this, you so crazy for even assuming such thing
huh?? Where did I say that you have to fill your meat with sauce..
the idea of filling a steak with anything, is just retarded in general.
isn't that what you are gonna eat or did I see that wrong on the photos?
chimichuri steak<3333
You act like 12 yo lol u nerd like fuck xD like kid xD
well, you are retarded.
No, it looks fucking delicious. Are you some gay vegetarian hippie?
nop I'm not an american mcdonalds dude
That is the exact opposite of MacDonalds. I question your manhood.
dont think muslims look into cfire on daylight, must be too weak to type :P
or mabi they sleep from all crime they do in night without earning any money
40 days of pork is my ramadan

hope allah accepts this gift
The stake in the 2nd picture is overcooked
looks plastic imo
that steak looks abysmal tho :DD
i think that everyone should do this at least 1-2 days ( then its not unhealthy!) The intention of ramadan was always that people see how it is to be poor. if people dont eat something then they know how you have to feel if you have nothing to eat for the whole day. it doesnt have to be related to allah or god. you dont have to be religious to do ramadan ;)

next time you see people dying in pakistan or africa, you wont think twice if you donate or not :)
No man, you talking about a racism seminar and you right "next time you see people dying in pakistan or africa, you wont think twice if you donate or not"

Racism clears your conscious
more like forcing people see how it is to be poor :P Few days ago player (I think he played in Bayern few years ago, but cant remember his name) got fired because he disrespected ramadan rules
dude ramadam is to purify your body and spirit and to thank allah for everything he has done

su noob
Im becoming spontaneously muslim when I see the shit u eat
waarom gebruik je een spaanse vlag, noob
wat maakt het fucking uit, niet omdat jij die ook hebt --
zal wel verandere
ben je boos? :)
nee, jij blijkbaar wel
Looks like kanker on a plate
I like tha flag in the second Picture
i got ramadan <333

prettty easy!
tbh, muslims can still eat that(if it's halal meat), just a bit later

my friend is a muslim and asked me to try fasting with him to get a feeling of what it's like, so i'm doing it and tbh it's not that bad. i just stuff my face at about 2 am
Allah can't see under tables I think, so they could just eat it there.
first one looks like someone puked on it
ramadan is more then just not eating during daylight. It's also about cleaning ur spirit, you aren't allowed to be angry during ramadan. And a lot families come together during ramadan.
lol rly? that makes it pretty funny to piss em off :))))))
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