I am not afraid

Just because I have never posted a video journal before and because sol is ragedeleting my comments, and I got some spare time b4 bbq and I want to test some functions. :-ppp

To make journal legit I will also ask what you think of adding fixed spawntimes to ET?

*edit* ok embedding didnt work but in a month or so it will be on youtube >:(



image: elin-grindemyr-3
did not read
image: 45
they should leave the spawntimes as they are - everyone is like 'make it unpredictable rawrawrawr, but i think knowing your spawntimes and the enemys makes it tactically a much better game.
Is that Kim Kardashian's ass?
my exact thoughts :D
you just humiliated my ETm8's squaze idol =))))))

halllou friendly swede
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