Coming to London

I'll be visiting the United Kingdom in the end of October. On the 1st of November I'll be starting a 2 week course in English and live with some family in the outskirts of London who are hopefully nice -.-'

As I've played ET with mostly UK people during my online career so far I'll be visiting some of them for sure, if you're one of them then get in touch and hopefully we could grab a beer or something :) So after the two weeks, if my wallet allows it, I'll try to meet up with as much peeps as possible across the UK. We'll see what happens though :> I'll definitely be staying for at least a couple of more weeks.

The school which I'll be attending during this short time is quite close to Tottenham Court Road, which is quite central as I've understood? Also I'd appreciate if you have any form of tips like, the best ways to travel, what I should and shouldn't do, where's the party and will the English women generally dissappoint me with their looks being a Swede? ;)

Thanks :)
ill be visiting ur mom while ur gone
ill be visiting ur mom while ur gone to his mom
my mom will go with me;)

Eww your mom and his mom and you at once is just wrong juize :(
a dirty mind is a joy forever
Best ways to travel = bike + tube.
you were born out of a tube werent you ?;)
you shouldn't do the 'peace sign' in a wrong way ^^
Buy an oyster card (should be one of the first things you do) and travel by tube.

Try not to get stabbed/shot/both.

Camden market does amazing rat noodles. (They claim it is chicken, it is not)

Beware of cod 4 chavs.

Also if you happen to for some reason be anywhere near Nottingham I'd happily join you for a pint.
Camden market = awesome for food in general *_*
& random thrift stores for all the best in looking like a hipster!
QuoteTry not to get stabbed/shot/both.

All right, should get interesting then, thanks for the info ;)

Nottingham might actually happen! I'll be in touch. :)
How expensive are train tickets generally across England?

50E for 200km :| (eg: London - Chesterfield)
Ouch, all right.

Thanks though
Try bus if you want to travel. Maybe cheape, dont know how it is in England.

Btw: In London I didnt try the big Wheel in the city but I would now. Big Eye or how is that called.
Trains can be reasonable if you get advance tickets, going on the day though is indeed horrible.

Coaches/busses can be booked for VERY cheap (eg: national express, megabus) but well... you do get what you pay for :F
Ah yeah, I'd reckon it's kinda like here in Sweden tbh then :)
I'll have a look at bus prices :)

Yeah, that'd be the London Eye me thinks, there's plenty to see and do I guess :)
London Eye is not really worth the wait & pay...
Ye I don't think the view you'd get over London warrants the price & wait for the eye. I highly recommend checking out Camden market, quite a lot of uhh... "culture?" there i guess... I dunno but I always enjoyed it :F
Yeah aight, sounds cool :)
fucking cod4 chavs, they are taking over, ive seen some in cf already.
Just try to avoid Kamz in a dark alley at night and you should be fine.
Come out lundan down with me and DtSje!
Sounds like fun! Fo sho
be sure to visit any wetherspoons (liverpool street) for a english breakfast
I love English breakfast ;) Will make sure to get a proper one
Don't do the V-sign (piece sign) unless you enjoy getting punched until you start bleeding in places you didn't even know you had.
One thing everyone has to do when visiting London is to check out the natural history museum. Oh yeahhhhhhhh!
Aight, will probably do so then :>
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