need help :x

Good morning guys, i have quite annoying problem. I have LCD monitor which lets me to play only at 75hz, when i put 76fps its quite smooth but when i put 125 fps screen it gets quite laggy, any help how to play @ 125fps and still get smooth screen as with 76fps?
for info i have ATI radeon HD4600, pc is good enough to get 125stable.

thx for any help
yeah, play with 60hz
r_displayrefresh "75"
Play with 76fps
If you have an LCD monitor, then refreshrate won't influence lul
its supposed to run smoothly on any fps as long as your pc can handle it, should be fine on 60hz also ;/
so ok it has nothing to do with refreshrate, what is wrong then? that i get more smooth gameplay w 76fps @ r_mode 6, than with 125fps?
Probably has more to do with maxpackets & FPS ...there was a table somewhere
hmm any way to solve it on my own? since maxpackets are forced?
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